IMPORTANT: It will no longer be possible to transfer accounts through transfer IDs and passcodes as well as Google+/Game Center after an update on May.
Lost your account in SIF JP and have no idea what to do? Fret not! We will try to help you with that!
NOTE: If you've only just started playing and have barely made any progress, I suggest you just begin a new game. This will be more trouble than it's worth.
Q: HELP! I lost my account! How do I get it back?
A: If you do not have any access to your transfer passcode, then you will have to e-mail kLab so that they would issue you a new transfer passcode.
Q: Okay, so what's kLab's mail address?
Q: Does this mail have to be in Japanese?
A: Yes!
Q: What can I write for the topic?
A: Something simple like スクフェスアカウントリカバリー or スクフェスアカウントの復旧 will do.
Q: How do I start off with the message?
A: Of course, you will have to state your reason for mailing them. Since we're trying to get an SIF account back, then starting with maybe something like this will do:
こんにちは。 すみませんけど、私のスクフェスアカウントを回復するお手伝いをお願いすることができますか? <Please also state why or how you lost your account here> 以下、アカウント情報の一部を書きました。
Good day. Excuse me, could you help me with recovering my SIF account? <Please also state why or how you lost your account here> I've written some information about my account below.
Q: Got my intro written already! What do I write next?
A: You'll have to gather as much information as you can about your account. Here are some information kLab asks for whenever someone mails them about account retrieval.
◆ユーザーID (User ID; 9-digit number you see on your profile) ◆登録名 (Username) ◆アプリの登録日時 (Date you started playing, use format: YYYY年MM月DD日) ◆最後にログインを行った日時 (Last Log-in, use format: YYYY年MM月DD日 HRS時MINS分) ◆所持ラブカストーン数 (Loveca stones left, use format: ○個) ◆過去に使用したことのあるシリアルコードをご記載ください (Previous serial codes used; Promo card serial codes) ◆ラブカストーン購入履歴の画像の添付 (Screenshots from iTunes or Google Wallet of loveca stone purchases (two or more); If you haven't made any purchase, please write「購入なし」.) ◆ランク (Rank) ◆ユニット名 (Unit names; these are your teams A-G) ◆メイン以外のセンター部員 (Center member from units other than your main) ◆所有G(コイン)数 (Gold; approximate is okay, i.e. 2,000,000+) ◆アプリ内メールの履歴 (History of mail exchanges in-game; use format: ◯◯さんと◯◯について話をしました [I talked about ◯◯ with ◯◯-san.]) ◆フレンドの名前 (Usernames of in-game friends) ◆過去に使用した引き継ぎパスワード(16桁の数字) (Transfer passcode(s) that you have used in the past (16-digits)) ◆これまで使用していた端末名とOSバージョン (Name/brand of the device and its OS version that you have used so far.) ◆過去の課金時に使用していた端末名とOSバージョン (Device name/brand and the OS version that you have used in the past.) ◆初期選択部員名 (The very first member you chose from the very beginning of the game; state the member name, card version, skill name, and/or provide pictures for more accuracy.) ◆フルコンボした楽曲があった場合、その楽曲名と難易度 (Songs you full combo-ed; indicate difficulty as well; i.e. Cutie Panther (EASY, NORMAL, HARD, EXPERT)) ◆所持している部員名 (Members you own, their theme/version, skill name, and level for more accuracy; i.e. UR 346 高坂穂乃果 6月編 (その日が来るまで) レベル100) --------------------------------------------------------------- You do not need to include the following to your first mail --------------------------------------------------------------- ◆別のメールアドレスでお問い合わせをされたことがございますか (Have you contacted them through a different email address before? Please first answer with either a "Yes"「はい」or a "No"「いいえ」. If yes, state the email address even if the domain is different i.e. ◆お客様が希望される対応内容について (The purpose of your mail.) ◆最後にゲームを遊んだ日付を教えてください (Last date you played the game. Format: YYYY年MM月DD日) ◆最後にゲームを遊んだ際に使用していた端末の「機種名」と「OS」を教えてください (「Model Name」and「OS」of the last device you played in. Ex. iPhone5S, iOS8.1) ◆最後に発行した「引き継ぎパスワード」を教えてください 発行していない場合は、その旨ご記載ください (State the last transfer passcode issued. If none, then please describe.) ◆最後に「引き継ぎパスワード」を発行した日時を教えてください 発行していない場合は、その旨ご記載ください (State the date that the last transfer passcode was issued. Format: YYYY年MM月DD日. If none, then please describe.) ◆最後にログインした際に使用されていた機種名 or 復旧を希望されるアカウントで最後にログインした際に使用されていた機種名 (Model name of the device used during last log in) ◆引き継ぎパスワードを入力する予定の機種名 or 引き継ぎパスワード入力予定の端末機種名 or 引き継ぎ先の機種名 (Model name of the device that is planned to be used to enter the new passcode in) ◆現在ご利用の端末機種名 (Model name of device you're currently using) ◆登録名を変更したことがある場合は、使用した全ての登録名を教えてください (If you have changed usernames in-game, please state all usernames you have used) ◆所持しているUR部員の名前と特技名 (Names and skill names of UR members) ◆プレゼントボックスに未受取のアイテムや部員があれば教えてください (Please state if there are unclaimed items or members inside your present box) ◆所持している勧誘チケット、補助チケットの枚数 (Number of scouting tickets and/or scouting coupons you have) ◆今までに当アプリで使用したことがある端末の機種名、OSのバージョンを全て教えてください 機種名(iPhone4、Xperia Zなど): OS(iOS7、Android4.1など): ◆State the model names and OS versions of all devices you have used so far. Model name (iPhone4, Xperia Z, etc.): OS (iOS7, Android4.1, etc.): ◆初めて参加したイベント First in-game event you participated in ◆アプリ登録時の端末の機種名とOS Model name and OS of the device you used when you first played the game ◆最初に獲得したUR部員の名前と特技名 Name and skill name of the very first UR you obtained ◆登録日時(ゲームをインストールした日) Date of registration (Day when you first installed the game) ◆アプリをインストールした際に使用した正確な端末の機種名 (Model name of device used when you installed the app) ◆最後にログインした際に使用していた正確な端末の機種名 (Model name of device used for last log in) ◆これまでに第三者やご友人の端末にデータ引き継ぎをおこなった事はありますか? (Has there been an instance where you had a third party or a friend access your account from their device?) ◆初めて獲得したUR部員について教えてください ・部員名: ・特技名: ・獲得日時: (Please tell us about the first UR you obtained. ・Member name: ・Skill name: ・Date and time received:) ◆過去にも当サポートに問い合わせをおこなったことはありますか?:(ある/ない) ・ある場合は、その詳細を教えてください。 ・問い合わせ日時(〇年○月頃): ・使用したメールアドレス: (Have you ever contacted support in the past? (Yes/No) ・If yes, please provide more details. ・Inquiry date (YYYY年MM月): ・E-mail address used:) ◆最後におこなったデータ引き継ぎについて教えてください 引き継ぎをおこなった日時: 引き継ぎ前の端末: 引き継ぎ後の端末: (Describe your last usage of transfer passcode for this account Date and time the transfer took place: Device used before the transfer: Device used after transfer:) ◆登録名を変更したことがある場合は、使用した全ての登録名を教えてください (State all in-game names you have used that you remember. Use など at the end for "etc." if you have names you can no longer remember.)
NOTE: kLab sometimes asks for more information or asks the same questions. Please try to answer all of them and don't leave anything blank.
NOTE 2: All items from kLab's reply marked with〈必須〉are required items.
NOTE 3: As kLab sometimes asks for the same information on their mails, please take time to Find (Ctrl+F) and copy-paste the questions to see if they exist within this page already before asking us to translate stuff for you.
Q: HELP! I do not remember/have some of the information! What do I write?
A: If the answer is "unknown", write 「不明」. If the answer is "none", write 「なし」. If the answer is "no", write 「いいえ」.
Q: Done writing the body of the message! What now?
A: Close off your message with something like 本当にありがとうございます!to express your gratitude for them. It makes people very happy when they feel that their work is appreciated.
Q: Okay, done. Do I send it now?
A: Yes!
Q: Sent! What do I do now?
A: We wait. kLab replies usually after some time, so long as you sent it on a working day. In most cases, kLab's reply contain more inquiries. After they tell you that they'll be working on it, it would take days to weeks to months, depending on how accurate you information is, for them to send you the mail with the new transfer passcode or a mail that tells you about an authentication code.
Q: I received an email with something about an "authentication code" 「認証コード」. What do I do now?
A: From the person who posted this thread, we learned that kLab now sends authentication codes in order to further confirm that you are the owner of that account.
From the thread linked above, it was known that you will receive an authentication code after opening the game and will be asked to input the information in-game as well. These are: the authentication code itself, and the date you received this code (format: YYYY年MM月DD日).
After doing this, you are supposed to reply to kLab's email stating the authentication code you were given, the date you received this, and please also attach screenshots as much as possible. After kLab receives the email, they will send you a new mail that contains your new transfer passcode.
NOTE: This code only appears ONCE after opening the game the first time you receive this email, so please immediately take note of it.
"What a hassle! It would have been a lot easier if I had saved my passcode somewhere before!"
I agree. Account recovery is tiring, yes. I've experienced the same, twice. But fortunately, I was able to provide information that was accurate enough and got my account after just a week.
UPDATE: It will no longer be possible to transfer via this option after an update on May. You will need to register for SIF ID to be able to do so. To find out how, follow this link.
To prevent going through the same hardships, we should take precautionary measures:
Link your SIF JP account to your Google+ accountThat way, whenever you need to transfer devices, just log in your Google account and, voila! You've just transferred your account! (Tried and tested)Please note that you will still need to use transfer passcodes when transferring through devices with different OS. (i.e. Android → iOS and vice versa)
Issue a transfer passcode and store it somewhere where you can access it anytime and not lose it due to random circumstancesWhere should you store it so you won't lose it? Cloud storage. I have mine saved on my Google drive. Don't worry, passcodes last for a whole year before you'd have to issue another one. (Be careful not to disclose your passcode publicly though!)
Issue another one immediately after you use oneA passcode can only be used once, so when you use it this time, you won't be able to use it again and you will lose your account. (Happened to me, btw)
That's it for Love Live! School idol festival (JP Version) Account Recovery FAQs! Have further inquiries? Post a reply on this thread!
Thanks for reading and enjoy playing! ( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \
If you have further inquiries or clarifications that you just can't find on this thread, please post them on this thread!
Banzai! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡