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Hoshizora Rin | |
Kanji | 星空凛 |
Romaji | Hoshizora Rin |
Informações | |
Ano | Primeiro Ano |
Aniversário | 01 de Novembro (Escorpiana) |
Gênero | Feminino |
Tipo Sanguíneo | A |
Altura | 155 cm |
Medidas | B 75, C 59, Q 80 |
Comida Favorita | Ramen |
Comida que Não Gosta | Peixe |
Charme | Seu bumbum |
Primeira Aparição | |
Debut | Primeira Temporada, Primeiro Episódio |
Dubladora | |
Kanji | 飯田里穂 |
Romaji | Iida Riho |
Hoshizora Rin é uma das nove personagens principais Love Live! Ela está no primeiro ano no Colégio Otonokizaka. Seu sobrenome, Hoshizora, significa "céu estrelado". Ela tem o cabelo curto laranja (ruivo), e olhos da cor chartreuse. Sua cor principal é amarela, mas ela também é representado com verde limão ou azul-petróleo. Ela é membra de Lily White, uma sub-unit em µ's.
História Base[]
Rin tem sido amiga de Koizumi Hanayo desde que eram crianças. Ela é muito enérgica e gosta de praticar esportes. Como uma criança, ela foi provocada por usar shorts e calças em vez de saias. Devido a isso, ela não estava acostumada a usar saias e decidiu que ela não poderia usá-las.
Rin parece ser um pouco moleca. Ela principalmente provoca Koizumi Hanayo, sua melhor amiga, e parece estar com ela a maior parte do tempo. Ela é muito enérgica, alegre e ativa, e tentou abraçar cada membro de µ's. Sua personalidade é semelhante a de Kosaka Honoka porque eles são determinadas e trabalhadoras. Por exemplo, na Primeira Temporada, Episódio 7, Rin, Honoka e Yazawa Nico tevem que trabalhar duro para passar nos exames, a fim de entrar no Torneio de Love Live! E são conhecidas como as "San baka" (Três Idiotas) .
Embora ela é semelhante à Honoka em muitos aspectos, uma diferença fundamental entre as duas é que Rin parece ser extremamente consciente de opiniões de outras pessoas. Isso é mostrado várias vezes através de fora do anime.
Ela também geralmente termina suas frases com nya~! (Miau). Além disso, ela às vezes age como um gato e faz o olhar boca assinatura curva. Em "Korekara no Someday" ela ainda veste em um traje com orelhas de gato e um rabo.
Outros Dados[]
Diário da Rin (Janeiro de 2011) |
Uwaah, olha, olha! É quase como um céu estrelado! Flutuando em meio ao céu estrelado --- Hoshizora Rin ♪ |
Estatísticas Vitais |
Estudos: ★ Reflexos: ★★★★★ |
Ep. | Title | |
01 | "Que o Nosso Sonho Se Realize" (叶え!私たちの夢―― "Kanae! Watashitachi no Yume") |
No Episódio 1, Rin é vista seguindo Hanayo para ver a performance de A-RISE em uma tela em UTX High School, mas está correndo para alcançá-la. | ||
02 | "Vamos Ser Idols!" (アイドルを始めよう! "Aidoru wo Hajimeyou!") |
No episódio 2, Rin chama por Hanayo, que estava olhando para poster da µ's, e depois de perguntar se algo estava errado, ela sugeriu que ir para casa.
Quando Honoka foi para a sala de aula de Maki de olhar para ela, Rin e Hanayo parecia estar na mesma classe. Depois da escola, Honoka vai para sala de aula de Maki, mais uma vez e pensou que Maki já tinha saído quando ela não poderia encontrá-la. Rin pergunta se Honoka tinha verificado a sala de música, afirmando que Maki raramente falava com seus colegas de classe e sempre foi para a sala de música depois da escola. | ||
03 | "Primeira Live" (ファーストライブ "Faasuto Raibu" ) |
No episódio 3, Hanayo quer ir ver o concerto de μ's, mas Rin agarra Hanayo e diz que ela quer se juntar ao clube pista. Por causa de sua timidez, Hanayo é incapaz de recusar. Hanayo consegue ficar longe de Rin, mas quando Rin finalmente encontra ela, ela é rapidamente distraída pelo espectáculo de μ's "START:DASH!!". | ||
04 | "MakiRinPana" (まきりんぱな "MakiRinPana" ) |
No episódio 4, Hanayo quer juntar-se μ's, mas também quer Rin para se juntar com ela. Rin, no entanto, diz que ela não quer se juntar ao grupo, porque ela não está confiante em sua feminilidade. Mais tarde, Rin e Nishikino Maki lutam por quem pode ajudar Hanayo, e Hanayo é travada entre elea. Perto do final do episódio, com um empurrão de Rin e Maki, Hanayo consegue confessar que ela quer se juntar a μ's. μ's aceitaram a oferta, e Rin e Maki decidiram se juntar, assim, tornando μ's ter seis membros. | ||
05 | "Nico Ataca" (にこ襲来 "Niko Shuurai" ) |
No episódio 5, enquanto no último piso, as meninas sabem que é a estação das chuvas, mas Rin e Honoka querem ir para fora de qualquer maneira, e acabam por ficar encharcadas pela chuva. Enquanto em um restaurante fast-food, Honoka percebe que há membros suficientes para formar um clube. Só então, elas pegam uma garota chamada Nico tentando roubar sua comida e ela insulta sua falta de profissionalismo. As meninas aprendem a partir Ayase Eli, a presidente do corpo estudantil, fala que elas não podem formar seu clube idol como já existe um Clube de Pesquisa Idol, cujo único membro acaba por ser Nico. Depois Nico rejeita sua oferta de fusão dos grupos, presumivelmente com base na sua falta de personas, vice-presidente do corpo estudantil, Toujou Nozomi, explica-lhes como Nico tinha tentado anteriormente para se tornar um ídolo da escola, mas a fasquia muito alta para o seu grupo, fazendo-a cair. Depois de algum pensamento, Honoka surge com a idéia de que todos devem se juntar ao Idol Research Clube de aprender como melhorar μ's, convidando Nico para se juntar ao grupo como sua treinadora. Felizmente, Nico aceita a oferta. | ||
06 | "Quem Será a Center?" (センターは誰だ? "Sentaa wa Dare da?" ) |
No episódio 6, Nozomi grava entrevistas de cada membro da μ's, mas quando perguntou para Honoka por que ela era o líder quando ela não fez nada para o grupo. Nico em seguida, surge com a ideia de ter um concurso de karaoke e dança, e aquele com a maior pontuação se tornaria o líder. Infelizmente, todas as meninas obtêm resultados semelhantes. Honoka, em seguida, sugere que talvez μ's não precisa de um líder. Todos concordam com ela, apesar de acreditar que ela era o mais digno de se tornar líder. μ's cantou a música "Korekara no Someday". | ||
07 | "Erichika" (エリーチカ "Erichika" ) |
No episódio 7, Hanayo diz a μ's o que é Love Live! (competição), uma competição onde os melhores 20 grupos de ídolos escolares vão competir. Precisando permissão para ir, as meninas vão conversar com a Diretora Minami pra ter a permissão para entrar. Apesar de objeção de Eli, a presidente lhes permite entrar, mas apenas se todas elas passarem as próximas provas. Hanayo e Maki ajudám Rin, que presumivelmente tem notas ruins. Uma vez que os exames terminam e todos passam, μ's vão para o escritório da presidente, mas ouvi-lá dizendo Eli que a escola encerraria no próximo ano. | ||
08 | "O Que eu Quero Fazer" (やりたいことは "Yaritai Koto wa" ) |
No episódio 8, na sequência dos acontecimentos do episódio anterior, a presidente esclarece que μ's que a escola será encerrada se o próximo dia é recebido de forma negativa. Sonoda Umi sugere ao grupo, Eli para ensiná-las a dançar. Eli aceita sua oferta e coloca o grupo em treinamento intenso, mas é surpreendida por sua vontade de continuar. Nozomi diz Eli quer se juntar a μ's, mas acredita que ela não pode por causa da forma como ela tratou-las no passado. μ's conversam com Eli e formalmente convidam ela para participar. Eli se torna honesta com seus sentimentos e junta-se, juntamente com Nozomi que revela que ela veio com o nome do grupo: μ's, que se refere ás nove deusas da música. Coincidentemente, há nove membros em μ's. O grupo agora está completo executa "Bokura no LIVE Kimi to no LIFE" no dia aberto para uma multidão satisfeita, tornando o dia um sucesso. | ||
09 | "Wonder Zone (Zona de Maravilhas)" (ワンダーゾーン "Wandā Zōn" ) |
No episódio 9, depois de μ's de descobrir que Minami Kotori trabalhando secretamente em Akihabara em um café como empregada para ganhar confiança, Eli encontra Akiba um bom lugar para ter um concerto e, uma vez que Kotori sabe disso melhor, atribui Kotori a escrever letras baseadas na cultura Akiba. No entanto, Kotori luta escrevendo as letras, mas com a ajuda de Honoka e Umi, Kotori é capaz de escrever letras para criar a nova canção "Wonder zone" por recordar os sentimentos que ela recebe sempre que ela trabalha em Akihabara. | ||
10 | "Nada de Veteranos!" (先輩禁止 "Senpai Kinshi!" ) |
No episódio 10, μ's decide ir para a casa de praia de Maki depois de obter a permissão de seus pais. Eli cria uma regra que ninguém está autorizado a utilizar os honorifics "senpai" para a duração da viagem, para que possam quebrar a barreira entre superior e underclassmen. As meninas passam o dia inteiro na praia de jogo, mas Maki é a úniao que não participa. À noite, Nozomi inicia uma luta de almofadas, e todos de μ's começam a jogar, exceto Umi, que está dormindo. No entanto, dois travesseiros bateram em Umi enquanto ela estava dormindo, fazendo-a ficar irritadiça e jogar "travesseiros supersônicos" em todos, batendo Nico, Honoka, e Eli. Assim como ela estava prestes a bater Hanayo e Rin, Maki bate Umi com um travesseiro, fazendo-a cair no sono. O episódio termina com todos os membros do μ's quebrando a barreira entre superior e underclassmen, e de mãos dadas, enquanto observam o nascer do sol. | ||
11 | "A Melhor Live" (最高のライブ "Saikō no Raibu" ) |
No episódio 11, μ's consegue alcançar o ranking #19 no site de Ranking School Idol, tornando-as elegíveis para aplicar ao Love Live! Tournament. Isso coloca μ's sob pressão sobre manter a sua posição. No entanto, Nico não consegue ganhar um spin de loteria para usar o auditório, causando μ's pensar onde tem um concerto. Honoka surge com a ideia de que eles podem usar o telhado para manter o seu desempenho, e o grupo concorda, hesitante. No dia do concerto, está chovendo, mas o grupo decide realizar, de qualquer maneira. Eles executam "No brand girls," mas depois que terminou a canção, Honoka desmaia, surpreendendo ambos μ's e o público. | ||
12 | "Amigos" (ともだち "Tomodachi" ) |
No Episódio 12, as μ's vão para a casa de Honoka para vê-la. Eles descobrem que ela ainda está se recuperando e tem uma perna torcida. Elas falam tristemente a Honoka que elas deixaram o Love Live! Tournament, o que significa que o ranking delas foi removido. Honoka culpa-se pelo incidente, mas as μ's dizem-lhe que é culpa de todos, em vez disso. Todo mundo fica deprimido com este evento, mas Honoka fica mais do que o resto das μ's. No terraço, Maki, Hanayo e Rin anunciam que a escola foi salva, pelo que o grupo decide fazer uma festa. Na festa, no entanto, Umi e Kotori são notados por não estar com espíritos alegres. Umi então revela a μ's que Kotori está se mudando para uma escola de internato de moda para o resto de sua carreira no ensino médio. Todo mundo está surpreso com o anúncio, mas Honoka fica brava com Kotori por não ter falado antes.
No dia seguinte, no telhado, μ's revela que eles estão planejando fazer uma live final com todos antes de Kotori sair. Mas Honoka dizem-lhes que era culpa dela e que nada disso aconteceria se não fosse pelo acidente. Os membros dizem para ela parar de dizer isso, mas Honoka diz que a escola está salva, portanto, não há motivo para continuar realizando e que é impossível ir contra um grupo como A-RISE. Honoka dizem-lhes que ela sairá, mas antes que ela saia, Umi bate na bochecha, dizendo que não pensava que ela era esse tipo de pessoa e que ela era a pior. | ||
13 | "Muse's Music Start!|μ's Music Start!" (μ'sミュージックスタート! "Myūzu Myūjikku Sutāto!") |
No episódio 13, Eli decide colocar μ's em um hiato. Apesar disso, Nico diz a Hanayo e Rin para continuarem praticando. Mais tarde, enquanto estava a caminho de casa, Honoka encontra o treinamento de Nico, Hanayo e Rin. Nico diz a Honoka que ela ama ser um ídolo e que tudo o que aconteceu é porque Honoka deixou de ser um ídolo. Rin e Hanayo contam à Nico que ela está sendo muito áspera com ela, mas Honoka diz que Nico está certo.
Depois que Honoka traz Kotori do aeroporto, mais tarde no episódio, μ's executa "START: DASH!!" no auditório, apesar de usar seus uniformes escolares, e desta vez com o auditório cheio de pessoas. Depois, Honoka diz a multidão para dizer "μ's Music Start!" e as μ's entram nas classificações de school idol novamente. |
Ep. | Title | |
01 | "Love Live! Mais Uma Vez" (もう一度ラブライブ! "Mōichido Rabu Raibu!") |
No Episódio 1, a Diretora Minami anuncia que Otonokizaka ainda aceita os pedidos de estudantes no próximo ano. Após o anúncio, o pódio é repassado ao presidente do conselho estudantil, Kousaka Honoka, para entregar seu discurso. Honoka conseguiu se apresentar, mas tinha esquecido o conteúdo de seu discurso.
Na sala do conselho estudantil, Umi repreende Honoka por ter esquecido o discurso que elas escreveram juntas e colocam uma grande quantidade de conselhos estudantis na frente dela. Eli chega na sala do conselho estudantil junto com Nozomi para verificar o trio. Na cobertura, Nico mostra a Rin, Hanayo e Maki os resultados de seu "treinamento especial". Maki diz-lhe que era nojento e Nico acidentalmente lhes disse seu verdadeiro motivo para tentar ajudá-los. Naquele momento, Hanayo recebe uma notificação no telefone. Hanayo rapidamente correu para o computador do seu clube para confirmar as novidades. Depois de confirmar, as quatro correram para procurarar Honoka. Elas finalmente encontraram ela comendo pão enquanto estava sentada debaixo de uma árvore. Eles disseram a ela que isso será mantido mais uma vez. μ's falou sobre as notícias sobre Love Live! Sendo mantido mais uma vez. Elas estavam hesitantes no início por causa do pensamento de que eles tinham que competir contra A-RISE para as preliminares, mas depois que Umi afirmou que era muito cedo para desistir, todos concordaram em dar uma chance, com exceção de Honoka que lhes contou que está certo para elas não entrarem no Love Live !. Todos ficaram chocados com a declaração de Honoka e perguntaram-lhe se havia algo de errado com ela, mas ela disse que estava feliz de poder cantar e dançar com todos. Honoka então sugere que todas saem juntas depois da escola para uma mudança de ritmo. Naquela noite, os membros do μ, exceto Honoka, falaram sobre o comportamento estranho de Honoka. Nozomi disse a eles que as práticas e as sessões regulares de dança podem ser suficientes para a Honoka. No dia seguinte, Nico desafia Honoka a uma corrida para decidir se o grupo entra no Love Live! ou não. Durante a corrida, Honoka finalmente entendeu o significado das palavras de Yukiho, naquela época, Eli, Nozomi e Nico se formarão e não serão mais ídolos da escola, tornando o Love Live deste ano! a última oportunidade para que os μ's atuem juntos como um grupo de nove. Todos disseram a Honoka seus sentimentos sobre entrar no Love Live! fazendo Honoka declarar seu verdadeiro desejo de entrar no Love Live! também. Todas elas cantaram "Susume→Tomorrow" e Honoka lhes dizem que apontarão para a vitória. | ||
02 | "Aim for Victory" (優勝をめざして "Yūshō o Mezashite") |
In Episode 2, Hanayo tells everyone that only unreleased songs are allowed to be performed at Love Live!, meaning they can't use any of their existing songs. Eli tells them that they have no choice but to make a new song and decides to go on a camping trip.
They were amazed that Maki's family had a vacation house even at the mountains. When they were about to leave the train station and head for the bus, Rin told them that they might be forgetting something. They forgot about Honoka who was still sleeping on the train. Everyone was amazed yet again when they saw the house and the things inside. They found out that Maki still believed in Santa when they were talking about the fireplace. Nico was about to laugh and mock her for it but the others prevented her from doing so, claiming that it was a serious crime to say it. After settling down, Maki, Umi, and Kotori proceeded to doing their jobs upstairs while the others proceeded to doing some basic drills outside. While in the living room, Honoka noticed that Maki wasn't anywhere near the piano and decides to take the tea that Hanayo made to the girls upstairs. Honoka opens the door to where Umi was staying but found no one inside, finding a note on the table stating "Please don't look for me" instead. Panicked, Honoka proceeded to Kotori's room and found no one inside as well, finding a picture on the wall with the words "Help me" instead. Honoka soon noticed that there was cloth tied by the window that leads outside. She looks outside and finds the three sighing. The others found out that the three were in a slump because of the pressure and decides to split the work to all of them. They decided on forming three groups, with the first group consisting of Kotori, Hanayo and Honoka to work on the costumes, the second group consisting of Umi, Rin and Nozomi to work on the lyrics, and the third group consisting of Maki, Nico, and Eli to work on the music. There was no progress for the first few hours but after hearing some encouraging words from their group mates, the three who're originally assigned for the tasks met on the house and was able to finish everything that night. The others found the three of them sleeping in the living room with their finish products and decided to let them sleep for a while. They immediately started practicing as soon as the three woke up and continued to practice hard even after returning from their trip, aiming to win Love Live!. | ||
03 | "The Door to Our Dreams" (ユメのトビラ "Yume no Tobira") |
In Episode 3, Honoka, Hanayo, and Eli were browsing the Love Live! site. They saw the different stages prepared for the preliminaries. Hanayo told them that because of the number of groups that will enter the preliminaries, they are allowed to perform anywhere other than the concert halls. After practice, μ's talked about the mechanics of the contest. Four groups will be able to move on to the final round of the preliminaries. They also concluded that there will only be three spots to compete for, knowing that A-RISE will get a place for sure. Honoka suggests that they use their school as their stage so that they can perform comfortably. Nico and Hanayo told Honoka that she was naive and that they only have one shot at it. They needed something original to stand out and catch everyone's attention. But before they can decide the place, they still needed to practice being on air so they asked the broadcasting club for help. Honoka, Umi, and Hanayo were the ones who tried out the mic. The results wasn't what they really wanted but at least it was very μ's-like.
After that, μ's decided to look for a place to hold their live but it turns out that they're out of new stages. They looked elsewhere and ended up in front of the UTX building. The group saw A-RISE's promotion and Honoka says that they won't lose. Just then, A-RISE's Kira Tsubasa appeared in front of the second year trio. Tsubasa hushed Honoka before others could see her then she grabbed Honoka's arm and ran, dragging her inside the building. Hanayo and Nico noticed that Tsubasa was there, running with Honoka and chased after them. A-RISE revealed to μ's that they've been watching and keeping an eye on the group for quite a while. They thought that μ's was going to be their biggest rivals during the last Love Live!. Tsubasa, Erena, and Anju then revealed each of μ's members' good points. Tsubasa commented on how Rin's athletic prowess was good enough to rival a national school idol. Eli asked them why they knew so much and Tsubasa answers that it was because it was rare to see a group with a caliber like μ's and that they didn't want to lose to μ's. Honoka also states that they won't lose either and says thank you to them. Tsubasa then offers to perform with μ's on the same stage, which is their school's rooftop, to which Honoka immediately agrees, surprising the rest of μ's members. The day of the preliminaries came, A-RISE's Tsubasa and μ's Honoka agreed to give it their all and shook hands. Alisa and Yukiho are shown watching with a laptop at the Kousaka residence. Alisa was worried but Yukiho assured her that they will be fine. A-RISE performed their new song, "Shocking Party". Seeing A-RISE perform, most of μ's members were starting to feel that they can't win. Honoka immediately disagreed and cheered everyone up. Some of there schoolmates came and cheered them on as well. μ's found a new hope and was ready to perform. μ's performed their new song, "Yume no Tobira" and received good responses from their audience. | ||
04 | "No. 1 Idol in the Universe" (宇宙No.1アイドル "Uchuu Nanbā 1 Aidoru") |
In Episode 4, Hanayo checks the site for the results of the preliminaries. When the results came out, µ's was delighted to discover that they have qualified for the next round. Everybody ran out of the room to spread the good news, except for Umi who was left covering her ears. Rin and Hanayo went to the alpacas.
At the rooftop, Eli announced that only one of the four teams that made it out of the first round will make it to Love Live!. They decide that they have to do their best. Umi then stated that she'd like to start morning practices an hour earlier than usual and they'll have review sessions on Sundays. Eli adds that they need to have focused and well-designed practice sessions. When Honoka was about to say "µ's music start!", she was cut off by Kotori because she feels that they're missing someone. They then realized that Nico was not among them. They caught up and called out to Nico who was about to go home. Nico said that she's going to have to skip practice because she has other things to do and left. The others decided to follow Nico secretly because she was acting suspicious, but Nico spotted them and was able to escape. While the others were wondering why Nico was desperate to escape, Hanayo saw a little girl who looks a lot like Nico. They then learned that she was Nico's little sister, Cocoro. While Cocoro was leading them to their home, they learned that Nico told her siblings that she was the center of µ's and the others were her backup dancers. After arriving at the Yazawa residence, they met Cotarou, Nico's little brother who also believed that they were backup dancers. There, they saw the posters of µ's that were edited to make it look like Nico was the center in all of them. After some time, Nico arrived and they chased after her once again. Nico wasn't able to escape this time because her other little sister, Cocoa, met her in front of the elevator. Nico apologized and explained that she was skipping practice to look after her siblings and that she's been telling them that she was a super idol from the beginning. On the way home, Nozomi tells the others that Nico was telling her siblings all that even after she failed to become a super idol in her first year because she didn't want their vision of her to be destroyed. After hearing this, the girls arrange for Nico to give a special performance for her siblings, claiming it to be her last performance as a 'solo idol' before joining her fellow idols as equals in μ's. | ||
05 | "A New Me" (新しいわたし "Atarashī Watashi") |
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In Episode 5, µ's prepares for a performance in a fashion event on the weekend, however, the second years are on their school trip in Okinawa and both Eli and Nozomi are busy taking care of student council work, leaving the other four to practice with themselves. Rin thought that the second years must be having a blast with their trip, but in reality, they weren't enjoying much because of the storm.
When Eli told Rin that she's going to be the temporary leader, Rin isn't confident in herself and ends up struggling with the responsibilities. On the way home, Rin still feels that she isn't cut out to be the leader, earning some encouraging words from Hanayo and Maki but Rin didn't believe them because she believes that she isn't cute enough like the others and that she's different from them. After saying that she'll continue being the temporary leader until Honoka gets back, Rin ran. After Eli told the others that the second years wouldn't make it back in time for the performance, it was decided that Rin would take the center for their performance. Rin feels she isn't cute enough for the fancy dress given to the center and passes on the role to Hanayo, though the others can tell she is bothered about it. On the day of the event, the group arranges for Rin to wear the dress whilst everyone else wears groom outfits, feeling it fits her the most. Rin was still in denial at first but Hanayo and Maki encouraged her with their feelings. Rin finally accepted and wore the dress, receiving some compliments from the audience. The six members then performed the song "Love wing bell" and the event turns out to be a huge success. Rin then decides to be more confident with expressing her femininity and decides to wear a skirt for practice making everyone happy for her. | ||
06 | "Happy Halloween" (ハッピーハロウィーン "Happī Harouīn") |
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In Episode 6, Eli told the other members about µ's and A-RISE being invited to the Halloween event. Nico then declared that they should make a stronger impact than A-RISE.
Honoka, Rin, and Nico went to the opening of the Halloween event. A-RISE made an amazing impact even though they were not present on the opening itself. The three talked about what happened earlier at Honoka's room. Nico stated that they have to conquer that Halloween event or else they would have a hard time at the final round of the preliminaries. µ's tried changing their outfits in search for the impact they're looking for but it didn't work out. They tried impersonating each other next but it didn't work out as well. Eli then suggested that they try not to present themselves as idols, resulting to µ's sporting a rock look, which didn't work out as well. Principal Minami even called them to her office because of it. On the day of their performance, Honoka thinks that they don't need to change themselves, as they already have quite varied members themselves, and they perform together with their natural abilities. µ's performs the song "Dancing stars on me!" and aims to win Love Live!. | ||
07 | "We Have to Do Something!" (なんとかしなきゃ! "Nantoka Shinakya!") |
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In Episode 7, while in the club room, Hanayo brought out a big rice ball to eat. Hanayo offered some to Honoka after seeing her stare at the rice ball before being stopped by Umi. The three first years then finds out that Honoka is on a diet. Hanayo already ate half of the rice ball when Rin and Maki told her that she's been gaining weight lately as well.
Umi made a diet plan for Honoka and Hanayo. The two of them were consoling each other when a group of three first years appeared and asked them for autographs. A first year complimented Umi's figure, the other complimented Kotori's, while the last one complimented Honoka's energy instead. While climbing the stairs to the shrine, Honoka and Hanayo found it harder to reach the top than before. Nico told them that it was because of the extra weight. Later, Umi found out that Honoka and Hanayo were sneaking off during their runs to eat rice. After letting them explain themselves, Hanayo was told that she regained her past weight while Honoka's weight did not change at all. Honoka and the others soon found out that the Art Club's budget request was approved before the budget meeting. They tried to talk to the girl from the Art Club but it did not work. Eli and Nozomi offered to help but Honoka said that it was their mistake and that they should fix it themselves. After working hard to fix everything and making a budget plan for all the clubs, Honoka, Kotori, and Umi managed to end the budget meeting well. During the process of fixing everything, Honoka told everyone that she forgot to eat and managed to regain her old weight. Nozomi and Eli are then left assured that the student council is in good hands. | ||
08 | "My Wish" (私の望み "Watashi no Nozomi") |
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In Episode 8, Honoka announces during an interview that µ's will definitely win Love Live!. Everyone was amazed and surprised at the sudden declaration of victory.
Nico asked Honoka why she said that all of a sudden. Maki told her that since they're really aiming to win Love Live!, it shouldn't be a problem. Umi agreed and said that A-RISE did say that the last round of the preliminaries would be as competitive as the Love Live! itself. Eli then told everyone to decide on which song they want to perform with. Nico suggested that they go for a new song . Nozomi then suggested that they make it a love song which surprised everyone. Hanayo told them that love songs are necessary for idol groups but µ's has yet to sing one. They asked Umi why there haven't been any love songs for µ's and Nozomi answered that it's because Umi has no romantic experience yet. Maki told them that it's too late to make a new song anyway but Eli disagreed and said that she thinks it's too early to give up. Though everyone wonders how they'd write a love song, Nozomi thought of an idea. They tried practicing giving gifts but the idea didn't help. On the way home, Maki told them that she still thinks it's better if they don't take the risk. Umi agrees and believes that they should focus on perfecting what they already have instead. Most of the members agreed as well but Eli said that she still thinks that a love song would be powerful and that Nozomi's predictions are usually spot on. Honoka then said that they think about a little more. Maki thought that Eli's acting strange and talked about it with Rin and Hanayo. Maki said that Eli's too fixated on writing a love song. Rin imagined that maybe Eli's with A-RISE and she's been fooling everyone, though Maki said that it's impossible. Hanayo asked Maki what could be the reason then. Maki doesn't know, but she's sure that there's a reason behind Eli's actions. While at Honoka's house, everyone tried to come up with ideas once again. Kotori suggested that they watch a romance movie for reference, however Maki says that these halfhearted efforts to write a new song will lower the quality of their performance. After finally deciding on using the songs they already have, they decided on calling it a day and go home. Maki and Eli decided to call over the others to Nozomi's house, and deciding to go ahead with writing the song. Hanayo saw a picture frame with a picture of their "START:DASH!!" performance. Nozomi grabbed it immediately, feeling embarrassed. It soon began to snow, and the girls ran outside. Each and every one of them caught a snowflake, and are lyrically inspired. | ||
09 | "Melody of the Heart" (心のメロディ "Kokoro no Merodi") |
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In Episode 9, the day of the final preliminaries arrives. Rin and Hanayo stopped by Maki's house to go to the venue together. While waiting for Maki to come out, Rin complained because of the cold weather. Hanayo told her that the snow would clear up in the afternoon. Maki then comes out with the food that her mother prepared for them.
At school, the teacher said that they'll be starting the open house an hour later that scheduled because of the weather. Honoka called Eli to tell them the situation. Eli said that she'll explain the situation to the staff and they'll rehearse with six members. While accommodating the guests, Honoka received a call from Eli. Eli apologized and said that they arrived at the venue. Nozomi said that with a venue that big, they'll need all 9 members of µ's. Eli told Honoka to come immediately after they're done. Rin and Hanayo looked at the stage, amazed that they would be able sing there. Maki asked Eli if anyone would even watch them since it's still snowing. A-RISE suddenly arrived and told them that the place would be full of people later. Erena noticed that µ's was missing some members. Eli told them that Honoka and the others would be late because of a school event but they'll be there by the time they perform. Tsubasa then asked Eli to tell Honoka and the others that both µ's and them should give it their best, and that they won't lose. With Honoka, Kotori, and Umi rejoining the others just in time, the girls of μ's take on the feelings of all of their supporters and perform the song that they all wrote together. They performed the song "Snow halation". | ||
10 | "µ's" (µ's "Myūzu") |
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In Episode 10, on their way to the local shrine, Honoka, Kotori and Umi met with Hanayo and Rin who says that Maki was with them a while ago but hid because she was embarrassed. When Maki showed herself, the three who just met with them complimented her. Just then, the girls run into A-RISE, who congratulated them on winning the Love Live! preliminaries.
After praying, they went to greet Nozomi, Nico and Eli, who are helping out at the shrine. After the third years left, Hanayo worried about the third years' graduation. Umi stopped her saying that they have agreed not to bring the topic up until Love Live! was over. Honoka then told them that for the third years' sake, they should give it their best. With μ's needing to make an impression to give them an advantage during Love Live!, Hanayo suggests they come up with a group catchphrase for the official website that best represents the group. The next day, the girls get together at Honoka's store to make mochi for all of their supporters, thinking that it would help them come up with their catchphrase, though they still weren't able to come up with one. Later, upon encountering people's ema at the shrine giving their support for μ's, Honoka comes to understand the group's driving force came from everyone's support and decides on the catchphrase, "The story we all realize." | ||
11 | "That Which We Decided" (私たちが決めたこと "Watashi-tachi ga Kimeta Koto") |
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In Episode 11, at the club room, with one month left until Love Live!, Umi explains their training schedule. Everyone noticed that it was not strict like usual. Umi answered that she followed A-RISE's advice and left some free days. Umi noticed that Honoka was quiet and asked if she was paying attention. Maki then brought up the topic about Alisa and Yukiho passing and that led to talking about the third years' graduation. Everyone got depressed, but Eli told them that they agreed not to talk about it until after Love Live! and started practice.
While training, Honoka was still thinking about what Yukiho said, making Umi and Kotori notice. Umi asked her what she wants to do and Honoka answered that she wants to continue being a school idol but she's not sure about staying as µ's. Nico told them to continue and that they have to keep the name. Nozomi then stopped the conversation and said that they agreed not to talk about it. Hanayo asked if it was really fine that way, saying that they have to give Yukiho and Alisa an honest answer. Hanayo thinks that µ's has to be the nine of them and that it will be different even with just one person missing. Maki agrees but understands what Nico's saying, so it might be best to just keep going. They then asked Eli for her opinion, but Eli told them that it was Honoka and the others' decision to make. On the way home, Umi told them that it was better that they talked about it because it wouldn't have been good for them to compete with unresolved issues. Honoka told them that Eli was right. They'll be the ones that would be staying next school year so they have to be the ones to decide. Honoka called the others on a Sunday to have fun. Since they couldn't decide on one place, they decided to go to all the places that each of them wants to go to. After having fun at many places, Honoka decided that she wants to go watch the sea with just the nine of them there. After arriving at the beach, they had a little fun and held hands. Honoka decided to say their decision about what would happen to µ's once the third years graduate. She said that it turned out that all six of them had the same decision about it. They decided that after Love Live!, µ's will disband. Eli and Nozomi agreed with their decision but Nico thought that if they disband, what she worked hard for will all be for nothing. Maki then promised her that no matter what happens, they'll continue to be idols but they want µ's to be theirs alone and that they don't want a µ's without Nico and the others. Just then, Honoka shouted, surprising everyone, and saying that they'll miss the train if they don't hurry back. Everyone ran at full speed but it turns out that there were still many trains left. Honoka said that it was because she was afraid that they would never stop crying if they stayed there and decides to take a picture with everyone. At the train station, while laughing at the pictures, Hanayo started to cry. Everyone ended up crying a lot as well. Nico ended up crying the most, despite saying she wasn't going to cry. With just one week left until their last performance, µ's decided to prepare and give it their best together. | ||
12 | "Last Live" (ラストライブ "Rasuto Raibu") |
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In Episode 12, Nico was able to draw the last number for the performance order, much to everyone's delight.
At the club room, Nico felt proud of her accomplishment, but nobody seems to appreciate it that much. Eli then said that they should start their practice. After practice, Hanayo realized that it was their last practice, making everyone realize it and feel down as well. Nico then told them that they shouldn't feel sad and just focus on Love Live!. µ's went to their local shrine and prayed together. After praying, the girls find it difficult to part ways. Honoka then suggested to have a sleepover at school. At school, they set up their beds and found out that it fitted perfectly. Umi asked if it was really okay to have a sleepover at school. Kotori said that her mom approved of it. Afterwards, they ate the dinner that Nico and Hanayo prepared. Later on, Honoka and Rin wanted to do something exciting like test of courage. The girls then found out that Eli was afraid of the dark. Honoka noticed that the stars looked beautiful and suggested that they go to the rooftop to see. The girls were mesmerized by how the city looked like and shouted out their feelings. The next day, the girls arrive at the venue for Love Live! finals. Wearing their new and cute costumes, µ's performed the song "KiRa-KiRa Sensation!". The audience loved it so much that they called for an encore. µ's then performed the song "Bokura wa Ima no Naka de", wearing the costume that their schoolmates prepared for them. | ||
13 | "Come True! Everyone's Dream" (叶え!みんなの夢―― "Kanae! Minna no Yume") |
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In Episode 13, at the school gates, Honoka met with Rin, Maki, and Hanayo. They then met Nico's mother along with Nico's siblings and even discovered Nico's unexpected side. Nico showed her family their trophy from winning Love Live!, earning her a "congratulations" from her mother. Maki then reminded Honoka the reason she had to go to school on time.
During the ceremony, after Principal Minami congratulated the graduates, it was now Honoka's turn to deliver her speech. Honoka stated that she wasn't really good at expressing herself with words but she loved singing, therefore, instead of a speech, she dedicated a song for the seniors instead. With Maki playing the piano, everyone joined Honoka and sang "Aishiteru Banzai!". At the club room, Nico cleaned up her personal stuff, leaving the shelf completely empty. Hanayo said that with all the stuff gone, it feels a little empty and lonely. Nico then said that they should just have the next club president bring some stuff from home. Nico decided to make Hanayo the next club president because they all felt that she's the right person for the job. When Hanayo finally agreed to become the president, she assigned Maki to be the vice-president. The girls decided to have a last look around the school. Arriving at the rooftop where everything began, Honoka gives a proper sendoff to the name of μ's. At the school gates, before the girls can get a chance to part ways, Hanayo received some 'big news', prompting everyone to rush back to the club room. |