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Love Live! Wiki

Lantis Matsuri (ランティス祭り) is a live event held every five years since 2009, to celebrate the anniversary of the label Lantis[1].

Being a part of the label, Love Live! has been participating since their debut.

15th Anniversary Live Lantis Matsuri 2014[]

This event took place in the following location:

  • Tokai Performance: July 19 & 20, at Nagashima Spa Land (Mie Prefecture)
  • Kansai Performance: July 26 & 27, at Expo '70 Commemorative Park (Osaka)
  • Kanto Performance: September 13 to 15, at Shiokaze Park Sun Plaza (Tokyo)
  • Tohoku Performance: November 15 & 16, at Xebio Arena Sendai (Miyagi Prefecture)

µ’s and one of their subunits, Printemps, participated in several dates of the tour.

Tokai Performance[]

  • Date: July 19 & 20, 2014
  • Venue: Nagashima Spa Land
  • Cast: µ’s
  • Set List:

  1. Bokura wa Ima no Naka de (僕らは今のなかで) by µ’s
  2. No brand girls by µ’s
  3. Encore: Starting STYLE!! by all artists present that day

  1. Bokura wa Ima no Naka de (僕らは今のなかで) by µ’s
  2. Bokura no LIVE Kimi to no LIFE (僕らのLIVE 君とのLIFE) by µ’s
  3. No brand girls by µ’s
  4. START:DASH!! by µ’s
  5. Encore: Starting STYLE!! by all artists present that day

Kansai Performance[]

  • Date: July 27, 2014 (day 2)
  • Venue: Expo '70 Commemorative Park
  • Cast: Printemps
  • Set List:
  1. Sweet&sweet holiday by Printemps
  2. Pure girls project by Printemps
  3. Encore: Starting STYLE!! by all artists present that day

Kanto Performance[]

  • Date: September 14, 2014 (day 2)
  • Venue: Shiokaze Park Sun Plaza
  • Cast: µ’s
  • Set List:
  1. Sore wa Bokutachi no Kiseki (それは僕たちの奇跡) by µ’s
  2. Bokura wa Ima no Naka de (僕らは今のなかで) by µ’s
  3. Natsuiro Egao de 1,2,Jump! (夏色えがおで 1,2,Jump!) by µ’s
  4. Takaramonozu (タカラモノズ) by µ’s
  5. Encore: Starting STYLE!! by all artists present that day

Lantis Matsuri 2019 ~ARIGATO ANISONG~ 20th Anniversary Live[]

This event took place in the following location:

  • Chiba: June 21 to 23, at Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall
  • Shanghai: October 5 at Shanghai New International Expo Center
  • New York: November 15 at Javits Center Special Exhibition Hall

Aqours, their subunits CYaRon!, AZALEA & Guilty Kiss, and Nijigasaki High School Idol Club participated in several dates of the tour.

Chiba Performance[]

  • Date: June 21 (day 1) and 23 (day 3)
  • Venue: Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall
  • Cast: Aqours, CyaRon!, AZALEA, Guilty Kiss & Nijigasaki High School Idol Club
  • Set List:

  1. Hop? Stop? Nonstop! by Aqours
  2. Brightest Melody by Aqours
  3. Kimi no Kokoro wa Kagayaiteru kai? (君のこころは輝いてるかい?) by Aqours
  4. Jump up HIGH!! by Aqours
  5. Encore: Starting STYLE!! by all artists present that day

  1. TOKIMEKI Runners by Nijigasaki High School Idol Club
  2. Strawberry Trapper by Guilty Kiss
  3. Shadow gate to love by Guilty Kiss
  4. Torikoriko PLEASE!! (トリコリコPLEASE!!) by AZALEA
  6. Genki Zenkai DAY! DAY! DAY! (元気全開DAY!DAY!DAY!) by CYaRon!
  7. Kaigandoori de Matteru yo (海岸通りで待ってるよ) by CYaRon!
  8. Encore: Starting STYLE!! by all artists present that day

Shanghai Performance[]

  • Date: October 5
  • Venue: Shanghai New International Expo Center
  • Cast: Nijigasaki High School Idol Club
  • Set List:
  1. Doki Pipo ☆ Emotion (ドキピポ☆エモーション) by Rina Tennoji
  2. Anata no Risou no Heroine (あなたの理想のヒロイン) by Shizuku Osaka
  3. Yume e no Ippo (夢への一歩) by Ayumu Uehara
  4. Encore: Starting STYLE!! by all artists present that day

New York Performance[]

  • Date: November 15
  • Venue: Javits Center Special Exhibition Hall
  • Cast: Guilty Kiss
  • Set List:
  1. Strawberry Trapper by Guilty Kiss
  2. Kowareyasuki (コワレヤスキ) by Guilty Kiss
  3. Guilty Night, Guilty Kiss! by Guilty Kiss
  4. New Romantic Sailors by Guilty Kiss
  5. Kuusou Mesorogiwi (空想メソロギヰ) by ZAQ & TRUE & Guilty Kiss
  6. Encore: Starting STYLE!! by all artists present that day


Official Art[]

15th Anniversary Live Lantis Matsuri 2014[]

Lantis Matsuri 2019 ~ARIGATO ANISONG~ 20th Anniversary Live[]


  • µ's appears on the official music video for the Lantis Festival theme song that was sung during the encore, "Starting STYLE!!"
  • Aqours and Nijigasaki High School Idol Club appears on the official music video for the 2019 edition of "Starting STYLE!!"

External Links[]

