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List of cards for Love Live! School Idol Festival ALL STARS (Japanese Version).

To see the cards separated per character, please visit: SIFAS Characters


Honoka Kosaka[]

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive)
100011001 R 100011001 Honoka Icon
R 100011001 Honoka
R 100011001 Honoka Idolized Icon
R 100011001 Honoka Idolized
Hang in There!
Gain 200 Voltage
Increase base Technique by 1%.
Affects: Same Attribute
100011002 R 100011002 Honoka Icon
R 100011002 Honoka
R 100011002 Honoka Idolized Icon
R 100011002 Honoka Idolized
School Idol Revolution
SP Gauge gain increases by 3% for 10 Notes
Affects: All 30%
Increase base Technique by 1.5%.
Affects: Same School

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
100012001 SR 100012001 Honoka Icon
SR 100012001 Honoka
SR 100012001 Honoka Idolized Icon
SR 100012001 Honoka Idolized
Achieving One's Dreams
Voltage gained from next SP Skill increases by 20% of own Appeal.
Affects: Same Attribute 30%
Increase base Technique by 2%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Voltage Gained
Gain 30% of own Appeal as Voltage. Condition: On Appeal Chance success, 30% chance
200012001 SR 200012001 Honoka Icon
SR 200012001 Honoka
SR 200012001 Honoka Idolized Icon
SR 200012001 Honoka Idolized
It'll Go Off Without a Hitch!
Increase Voltage gain by 4% for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Type 30%
Increase base Appeal by 2%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Skill Activation % Up
Increase Skill Activation % by 8% for 10 Notes. Condition: On Appeal Chance success, 50% chance
Affects: Everyone
300012001 SR 300012001 Honoka Icon
SR 300012001 Honoka
SR 300012001 Honoka Idolized Icon
SR 300012001 Honoka Idolized
Let’s Keep Going!
SP Gauge gain increases by 3% for 5 Notes
Affects: All 30%
Increase base Technique by 3%.
Affects: Type
Skill Activation % Up
Increase SP Gauge Gain by 8% for 10 Notes. Condition: On Appeal Chance success, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
400012001 SR 400012001 Honoka Icon
SR 400012001 Honoka
SR 400012001 Honoka Idolized Icon
SR 400012001 Honoka Idolized
Let's Get Started!
Gain 25% of own Appeal as Voltage.
Affects: All 30%
Increase base Technique by 2%.
Affects: Attribute
Voltage Up
Increase Voltage gain by 3% until the Live Show ends. Condition: On song start, 30% chance
Affects: Same Attribute

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
100013001 UR 100013001 Honoka Icon
UR 100013001 Honoka
UR 100013001 Honoka Idolized Icon
UR 100013001 Honoka Idolized
Romantic Taisho Roman
Reduce Stamina damage by 10% for 10 Notes.
Increase base Stamina by 4%.
Affects: Other Than Self
Stamina Restored
Restore 20% of own stamina. Condition: On Appeal Chance start, 30% chance
300013001 UR 300013001 Honoka Icon
UR 300013001 Honoka
UR 300013001 Honoka Idolized Icon
UR 300013001 Honoka Idolized
Come to the Ryuuguujou castle too ♪
Gain 25% of own Appeal as Voltage.
Increase base Appeal by 4%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Critical Up
For 3 notes, increase Critical Rate by 15%. Condition: when activating the SP skill, 50% chance
Affects: Everyone
400013001 UR 400013001 Honoka Icon
UR 400013001 Honoka
UR 400013001 Honoka Idolized Icon
UR 400013001 Honoka Idolized
Let's Enjoy Ourselves!
Voltage gained from next SP Skill increases by 30% of own Appeal.
Increase base Technique by 3%.
Affects: Everyone
Increase base Appeal by 6% until the Live Show ends. Condition: On song start, 50% chance
Affects: Honoka Kosaka
400013002 UR 400013002 Honoka Icon
UR 400013002 Honoka
UR 400013002 Honoka Idolized Icon
UR 400013002 Honoka Idolized
Morning Greeting
Increase Skill Activation % by 3.7% for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Attribute 33%
Increase base Appeal by 2%.
Affects: Everyone
Increase base Appeal by 5% until the Live Show ends. Condition: On song start, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone

Eli Ayase[]

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive)
100021001 R 100021001 Eli Icon
R 100021001 Eli
R 100021001 Eli Idolized Icon
R 100021001 Eli Idolized
Gain 110 SP Gauge
Increase base Stamina by 2%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
100021002 R 100021002 Eli Icon
R 100021002 Eli
R 100021002 Eli Idolized Icon
R 100021002 Eli Idolized
Noble Stature
Increase Critical % by 3% for 10 Notes.
Affects: All 30%
Increase base Stamina by 1.5%.
Affects: Same School

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
100022001 SR 100022001 Eli Icon
SR 100022001 Eli
SR 100022001 Eli Idolized Icon
SR 100022001 Eli Idolized
Matryoshka Power
Gain 25% of own Appeal as Voltage.
Increase base Appeal by 2%.
Affects: Same Type
Appeal Up
Increase Appeal by 8% for 10 Notes. Condition: On Appeal Chance success, 50% chance
Affects: Everyone
300022001 SR 300022001 Eli Icon
SR 300022001 Eli
SR 300022001 Eli Idolized Icon
SR 300022001 Eli Idolized
Blue Eyes' Guidance
Increase Skill Activation % by 2.2% for 5 Notes.
Affects: All 30%
Increase base Technique by 5%.
Affects: Self
Skill Activation % Up
Increase Skill Activation % by 8% for 10 Notes. Condition: On Appeal Chance failure, 80% chance
Affects: Other Than Self
300022002 SR 300022002 Eli Icon
SR 300022002 Eli
SR 300022002 Eli Idolized Icon
SR 300022002 Eli Idolized
What I actually wanted to do
Voltage gained from next SP Skill increases by 20% of own Appeal.
Increase base Appeal by 2%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Increase base critical power by 3% until the Live Show ends. Condition: On song start, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
400022001 SR 400022001 Eli Icon
SR 400022001 Eli
SR 400022001 Eli Idolized Icon
SR 400022001 Eli Idolized
Are you excited--?
Increase Critical Power by 5% for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Strategy 30%
Increase base Technique by 5%.
Affects: Self
Voltage Up
Increase Voltage gain by 2% until the Live Show ends. Condition: On song start, 30% chance
Affects: Same Attribute

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
100022001 UR 100023001 Eli Icon
UR 100023001 Eli
UR 100023001 Eli Idolized Icon
UR 100023001 Eli Idolized
Blue Rose's Spell
Restore 20% of own stamina.
Increase base Stamina by 5%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
Adds the effect to revive and restore 15% stamina when it hits 0. Condition: On song start, 30% chance
200023001 UR 200023001 Eli Icon
UR 200023001 Eli
UR 200023001 Eli Idolized Icon
UR 200023001 Eli Idolized
White Swan
Gain 7% of max SP as SP Gauge
Increase base Technique by 4%.
Affects: Same School Year
SP Skill Up
Voltage gained from next SP Skill increases by 15% of own Appeal. Condition: On Appeal Chance start, 50% chance
300023001 UR 300023001 Eli Icon
UR 300023001 Eli
UR 300023001 Eli Idolized Icon
UR 300023001 Eli Idolized
Sylvan Power
Increase Appeal by 5% for 5 Notes.
Affects: All 33%
Increase base Appeal by 3%.
Affects: Everyone
Voltage Gained
Gain 35% of own Appeal as Voltage. Condition: On Appeal Chance success, 30% chance
400023001 UR 400023001 Eli Icon
UR 400023001 Eli
UR 400023001 Eli Idolized Icon
UR 400023001 Eli Idolized
A Bitter Invitation
Increase Voltage gain by 3.8% for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Strategy 33%
Increase base Technique by 5%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
SP Gauge Gained
Gain 10% of own Technique as SP Gauge. Condition: On song start, 30% chance

Kotori Minami[]

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive)
100031001 R 100031001 Kotori Icon
R 100031001 Kotori
R 100031001 Kotori Idolized Icon
R 100031001 Kotori Idolized
I'll Take Your Measurements!
Gain 100 Shields
Increase base Stamina by 1%.
Affects: Same Attribute
100031002 R 100031002 Kotori Icon
R 100031002 Kotori
R 100031002 Kotori Idolized Icon
R 100031002 Kotori Idolized
I Have My Role
Increase Critical Power by 3% for 10 Notes.
Affects: All 30%
Increase base Stamina by 1.5%.
Affects: Same School

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
100032001 SR 100032001 Kotori Icon
SR 100032001 Kotori
SR 100032001 Kotori Idolized Icon
SR 100032001 Kotori Idolized
Fluffy Macaron
Gain 15% of own stamina as a shield.
Increase base Stamina by 2%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Stamina Restored
Restore 15% of own stamina. Condition: Take 2,000 or more damage, 40% chance
200032001 SR 200032001 Kotori Icon
SR 200032001 Kotori
SR 200032001 Kotori Idolized Icon
SR 200032001 Kotori Idolized
My Creation
Gain 25% of own Appeal as Voltage.
Increase base Appeal by 5%.
Affects: Self
Appeal Up
Increase Appeal by 4% for 10 Notes. Condition: On Appeal Chance success, 50% chance
Affects: Everyone
300032001 SR 300032001 Kotori Icon
SR 300032001 Kotori
SR 300032001 Kotori Idolized Icon
SR 300032001 Kotori Idolized
Don’t Forget Your Smile!
Gain 15% of own Technique as Shield
Increase base Technique by 2%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Voltage Gained
Gain 30% of own Technique as Voltage. Condition: when completing Appeal Chance (AC), 30% chance
400032001 SR 400032001 Kotori Icon
SR 300032001 Kotori
SR 400032001 Kotori Idolized Icon
SR 400032001 Kotori Idolized
All together now, everyone!
Gain 4% of max SP as SP Gauge
Increase base Stamina by 2%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Increase base critical power by 3% until the Live Show ends. Condition: On song start, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
100033001 UR 100033001 Kotori Icon
UR 100033001 Kotori
UR 100033001 Kotori Idolized Icon
UR 100033001 Kotori Idolized
Bird Jail
Increase Voltage gain by 5% for 5 Notes.
Affects: All 33%
Increase base Appeal by 3%.
Affects: Everyone
Appeal Up
Increase Appeal by 10% for 15 Notes. Condition: SP Skill activation, 50% chance
Affects: Everyone
200033001 UR 200033001 Kotori Icon
UR 200033001 Kotori
UR 200033001 Kotori Idolized Icon
UR 200033001 Kotori Idolized
Keep it a Secret
SP Gauge gain increases by 16% for 10 Notes
Affects: Same Attribute 33%
Increase base Technique by 4%.
Affects: Same Attribute
SP Skill Up
Voltage gained from next SP Skill increases by 20% of own Appeal. Condition: On Strategy Switch, 30% chance
300033001 UR 300033001 Kotori Icon
UR 300033001 Kotori
UR 300033001 Kotori Idolized Icon
UR 300033001 Kotori Idolized
What You Like
Increase Skill Activation % by 4.2% for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Strategy 33%
Increase base Appeal by 4%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Skill Activation % Up
Increase Skill Activation % by 10% for 10 Notes. Condition: On Appeal Chance start, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
400033001 UR 400033001 Kotori Icon
UR 400033001 Kotori
UR 400033001 Kotori Idolized Icon
UR 400033001 Kotori Idolized
Can you climb all the way here, meow~?
Gain 18% of own Technique as Shield
Increase base Stamina by 4%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Stamina Restored
Recover Stamina by 20% of own Technique. Condition: when completing Appeal Chance (AC), 30% chance

Umi Sonoda[]

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive)
100041001 R 100041001 Umi Icon
R 100041001 Umi
R 100041001 Umi Idolized Icon
R 100041001 Umi Idolized
Special Training!
Increase Skill Activation % by 2.2% for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Strategy 30%
Increase base Technique by 1%.
Affects: Same Attribute
100041002 R 100041002 Umi Icon
R 100041002 Umi
R 100041002 Umi Idolized Icon
R 100041002 Umi Idolized
Hidden Quality
Increase Voltage gain by 110 for 5 Notes.
Affects: All 30%
Increase base Technique by 2%.
Affects: Same Unit

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
100042001 SR 100042001 Umi Icon
SR 100042001 Umi
SR 100042001 Umi Idolized Icon
SR 100042001 Umi Idolized
Blue Ocean
Restore 20% of own stamina.
Increase base Stamina by 5%.
Affects: Self
Stamina Restored
Restore 20% of own stamina. Condition: On Appeal Chance success, 30% chance
300042001 SR 300042001 Umi Icon
SR 300042001 Umi
SR 300042001 Umi Idolized Icon
SR 300042001 Umi Idolized
I won't lose!
Increase Critical Power by 5% for 10 Notes.
Affects: Same Strategy 30%
Increase base Appeal by 3%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
Skill Activation % Up
Increase Skill Activation % by 8% for 10 Notes. Condition: On Strategy Switch, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
300042002 SR 300042002 Umi Icon
SR 300042002 Umi
SR 300042002 Umi Idolized Icon
SR 300042002 Umi Idolized
A Singing Voice Filled with Feeling
Gain 15% of own stamina as a shield.
Increase base Stamina by 3%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
Lower Damage
Reduce Stamina damage by 4% until Appeal Chance ends. Condition: On Appeal Chance start, 30% chance
400042001 SR 400042001 Umi Icon
SR 400042001 Umi
SR 400042001 Umi Idolized Icon
SR 400042001 Umi Idolized
It's Starting!
SP Gauge gain increases by 3% for 5 Notes
Affects: All 30%
Increase base Technique by 3%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
SP Skill Up
Voltage gained from next SP Skill increases by 8% of own Appeal. Condition: On Appeal Chance start, 30% chance

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
100043001 UR 100043001 Umi Icon
UR 100043001 Umi
UR 100043001 Umi Idolized Icon
UR 100043001 Umi Idolized
Umi's Radiance
SP Gauge gain increases by 5% for 10 Notes
Affects: All 33%
Increase base Technique by 4%.
Affects: Same Attribute
SP Gauge Gain Up
Increase SP Gauge Gain by 10% for 15 Notes. Condition: On Strategy Switch, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
200043001 UR 200043001 Umi Icon
UR 200043001 Umi
UR 200043001 Umi Idolized Icon
UR 200043001 Umi Idolized
Moonlight Prayer
Voltage gained from next SP Skill increases by 38% of own Appeal.
Increase base Technique by 4%.
Affects: Same Attribute
SP gauge refill
Refill SP gauge by 1% of own Technique. Condition: when performing Appeal, 15% chance
300043001 UR 300043001 Umi Icon
UR 300043001 Umi
UR 300043001 Umi Idolized Icon
UR 300043001 Umi Idolized
Love Arrow Shot
Increase Voltage gain by 5% for 5 Notes.
Affects: All 33%
Increase base Appeal by 5%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
Increase base Appeal by 5% until the Live Show ends. Condition: On song start, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
400043001 UR 400043001 Umi Icon
UR 400043001 Umi
UR 400043001 Umi Idolized Icon
UR 400043001 Umi Idolized
A New Discovery
Gain 20% of own stamina as a shield.
Increase base Stamina by 5%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
Restore Stamina (Gd)
Restore Stamina equal to the amount of Guard-types in your Show Formation x 300. Condition: On Appeal Chance success, 20% chance

Rin Hoshizora[]

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive)
100051001 R 100051001 Rin Icon
R 100051001 Rin
R 100051001 Rin Idolized Icon
R 100051001 Rin Idolized
Here We Go!
Increase Appeal by 40 for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Strategy 30%
Increase base Appeal by 1%.
Affects: Same Attribute
100051002 R 100051002 Rin Icon
R 100051002 Rin
R 100051002 Rin Idolized Icon
R 100051002 Rin Idolized
I Didn't Want This!
Gain 200 Voltage
Increase base Appeal by 2%.
Affects: Same Unit

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
101032001 SR 100052001 Rin Icon
SR 100052001 Rin
SR 100052001 Rin Idolized Icon
SR 100052001 Rin Idolized
S^・ω・^EeT CaT
Increase Skill Activation % by 3.2% for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Strategy 30%
Increase base Technique by 5%.
Affects: Self
Skill Activation % Up
Increase Skill Activation % by 8% for 10 Notes. Condition: On Appeal Chance success, 50% chance
Affects: Everyone
300052001 SR 300052001 Rin Icon
SR 300052001 Rin
SR 300052001 Rin Idolized Icon
SR 100052001 Rin Idolized
Such Fun!
Gain 5% of max SP as SP Gauge
Increase base Technique by 3%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
Skill Activation %+
Increase base skill activation by 1.2% until the Live Show ends. Condition: Once on Appeal Chance start, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
300052002 SR 300052002 Rin Icon
SR 300052002 Rin
SR 300052002 Rin Idolized Icon
SR 300052002 Rin Idolized
Let' get pumped up, meow-- ♪
Increase Voltage gain by 4% for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Type 30%
Increase base Appeal by 2%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Appeal Up
Increase Appeal by 10% for 10 Notes. Condition: On Appeal Chance failure, 80% chance
Affects: Other Than Self
400052001 SR 400052001 Rin Icon
SR 400052001 Rin
SR 400052001 Rin Idolized Icon
SR 400052001 Rin Idolized
The power to keep running toward tomorrow
Restore 17% of own stamina.
Increase base Stamina by 2%.
Affects: Same Type
Adds the effect to revive and restore 10% stamina when it hits 0. Condition: On song start, 25% chance

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
100053001 UR 100053001 Rin Icon
UR 100053001 Rin
UR 100053001 Rin Idolized Icon
UR 100053001 Rin Idolized
One Cat Moon
Increase Skill Activation % by 3.2% for 5 Notes.
Affects: All 33%
Increase base Technique by 5%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
SP Gauge Gain+
Increase base SP Gauge gain by 5% until the Live Show ends. Condition: Once on Appeal Chance start, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
300053001 UR 300053001 Rin Icon
UR 300053001 Rin
UR 300053001 Rin Idolized Icon
UR 300053001 Rin Idolized
You Should Come, Too!
Increase Voltage gain by 5% for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Year 33%
Increase base Appeal by 4%.
Affects: Attribute
Critical Up
Increase Critical % by 10% for 10 Notes. Condition: On Appeal Chance success, 50% chance
Affects: Same Attribute
300053002 UR 300053002 Rin Icon
UR 300053002 Rin
UR 300053002 Rin Idolized Icon
UR 300053002 Rin Idolized
Will You Take This?
Gain 20% of own stamina as a shield.
Increase base Stamina by 3%.
Affects: Everyone
400053001 UR 400053001 Rin Icon
UR 400053001 Rin
UR 400053001 Rin Idolized Icon
UR 400053001 Rin Idolized
You're not getting away, nya♪
Increase Skill Activation % by 4.2% for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Strategy 33%
Increase base Stamina by 4%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Voltage Up
Increase Voltage gain by 4% until the Live Show ends. Condition: On song start, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone

Maki Nishikino[]

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive)
100061001 R 100061001 Maki Icon
R 100061001 Maki
R 100061001 Maki Idolized Icon
R 100061001 Maki Idolized
Keeping the Mask On
Increase Voltage gained by next SP Skill by 100.
Increase base Appeal by 2%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
100061002 R 100061002 Maki Icon
R 100061002 Maki
R 100061002 Maki Idolized Icon
R 100061002 Maki Idolized
Melody to Play
Gain 200 Stamina
Increase base Appeal by 1.5%.
Affects: Same School

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
100062001 SR 100062001 Maki Icon
SR 100062001 Maki
SR 100062001 Maki Idolized Icon
SR 100062001 Maki Idolized
Unpracticed Fingers
Gain 5% of max SP as SP Gauge
Increase base Technique by 3%.
Affects: Same Type
SP Gauge Gain Up
Increase SP Gauge Gain by 8% for 10 Notes. Condition: On Appeal Chance success, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
300062001 SR 300062001 Maki Icon
SR 300062001 Maki
SR 300062001 Maki Idolized Icon
SR 300062001 Maki Idolized
Don't Stare So Much
SP Gauge gain increases by 3% for 5 Notes
Affects: All 30%
Increase base Technique by 3%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
Skill Activation % Up
Increase Skill Activation % by 8% for 10 Notes. Condition: On Strategy Switch, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
400062001 SR 400062001 Maki Icon
SR 400062001 Maki
SR 400062001 Maki Idolized Icon
SR 400062001 Maki Idolized
Bright Smile
Gain 15% of own stamina as a shield.
Increase base Technique by 2%.
Affects: Same Type
Stamina Restored
Restore 20% of own stamina. Condition: On Appeal Chance failure, 50% chance
400062002 SR 400062002 Maki Icon
SR 400062002 Maki
SR 400062002 Maki Idolized Icon
SR 400062002 Maki Idolized
Towards the Same Dream
Gain 25% of own Appeal as Voltage.
Increase base Appeal by 5%.
Affects: Self
Appeal Up
Increase Appeal by 4% for 10 Notes. Condition: On Appeal Chance success, 50% chance
Affects: Everyone

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
100063001 UR 100063001 Maki Icon
UR 100063001 Maki
UR 100063001 Maki Idolized Icon
UR 100063001 Maki Idolized
Secret Trick
Increase Appeal by 5% for 5 Notes.
Affects: All 33%
Increase base Appeal by 4%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Skill Activation %+
Increase base skill activation by 1.7% until the Live Show ends. Condition: 1 on Appeal Chance success, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
200063001 UR 200063001 Maki Icon
UR 200063001 Maki
UR 200063001 Maki Idolized Icon
UR 200063001 Maki Idolized
Crimson Beauty
Reduce Stamina damage by 11% for 10 Notes.
Increase base Stamina by 5%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
Shield Gained
Gain 10% of own stamina as a shield. Condition: On Appeal Chance start, 40% chance
300063001 UR 300063001 Maki Icon
UR 300063001 Maki
UR 300063001 Maki Idolized Icon
UR 300063001 Maki Idolized
Before the magic of snow melts
Increase Appeal by 5% for 5 Notes.
Affects: All 33%
Increase base Appeal by 3%.
Affects: Same School Year
Increase base Appeal by 5% until the Live Show ends. Condition: at the start of Live Show only once, 50% chance
Affects: Same School Year
400063001 UR 400063001 Maki Icon
UR 400063001 Maki
UR 400063001 Maki Idolized Icon
UR 400063001 Maki Idolized
Rose Carnival
Voltage gained from next SP Skill increases by 30% of own Appeal.
Increase base Technique by 4%.
Affects: Same Attribute
SP Gauge Gain Up
Increase SP Gauge Gain by 15% for 15 Notes. Condition: On Strategy Switch, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone

Nozomi Tojo[]

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive)
100071001 R 100071001 Nozomi Icon
R 100071001 Nozomi
R 100071001 Nozomi Idolized Icon
R 100071001 Nozomi Idolized
A Sign from the Cards
Gain 150 Stamina
Increase base Technique by 2%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
100071002 R 100071002 Nozomi Icon
R 100071002 Nozomi
R 100071002 Nozomi Idolized Icon
R 100071002 Nozomi Idolized
Spiritual Power
Increase Voltage gained by next SP Skill by 200.
Increase base Technique by 1.5%.
Affects: Same School

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
100072001 SR 100072001 Nozomi Icon
SR 100072001 Nozomi
SR 100072001 Nozomi Idolized Icon
SR 100072001 Nozomi Idolized
Eat Up!
Increase Appeal by 3% for 5 Notes.
Affects: All 30%
Increase base Appeal by 2%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Voltage Gained
Gain 30% of own Appeal as Voltage. Condition: On Appeal Chance success, 30% chance
300072001 SR 300072001 Nozomi Icon
SR 300072001 Nozomi
SR 300072001 Nozomi Idolized Icon
SR 300072001 Nozomi Idolized
Tarot Card Guidance
Gain 5% of max SP as SP Gauge
Increase base Appeal by 3%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
Appeal Up
Increase Appeal by 4% for 10 Notes. Condition: On Appeal Chance success, 50% chance
Affects: Everyone
300072002 SR 300072002 Nozomi Icon
SR 300072002 Nozomi
SR 300072002 Nozomi Idolized Icon
SR 300072002 Nozomi Idolized
Hold On to These Memories
Reduce Stamina damage by 7% for 10 Notes.
Increase base Stamina by 2%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Remove Effects
Negate all lowering effects. (Does not include Base effects.) Condition: SP Skill activation, 50% chance
Affects: Everyone
400072001 SR 400072001 Nozomi Icon
SR 400072001 Nozomi
SR 400072001 Nozomi Idolized Icon
SR 400072001 Nozomi Idolized
Fate Ties Us Together
Restore 20% of own stamina.
Increase base Stamina by 2%.
Affects: Same Type
Adds the effect to revive and restore 10% stamina when it hits 0. Condition: On song start, 30% chance

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
100073001 UR 100073001 Nozomi Icon
UR 100073001 Nozomi
UR 100073001 Nozomi Idolized Icon
UR 100073001 Nozomi Idolized
Bewitched by Magic
Increase Skill Activation % by 3.2% for 5 Notes.
Affects: All 33%
Increase base Technique by 3%.
Affects: Everyone
Skill Activation %+
Increase base skill activation by 1.7% until the Live Show ends. Condition: Once on Appeal Chance start, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
300073001 UR 300073001 Nozomi Icon
UR 300073001 Nozomi
UR 300073001 Nozomi Idolized Icon
UR 300073001 Nozomi Idolized
A magic to captivate you ♪
Increase Appeal by 7% for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Strategy 33%
Increase base Appeal by 3%.
Affects: Everyone
Increase base Appeal by 5% until the Live Show ends. Condition: 1 on Appeal Chance success, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
400073001 UR 400073001 Nozomi Icon
UR 400073001 Nozomi
UR 400073001 Nozomi Idolized Icon
UR 400073001 Nozomi Idolized
Power of the Zodiac
Increase Critical % by 3.8% for 15 Notes.
Affects: Other Than Self 33%
Increase base Stamina by 4%.
Affects: Other Than Self
SP Gauge Gain Up
Increase SP Gauge Gain by 20% for 5 Notes. Condition: On Appeal Chance start, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
400073002 UR 400073002 Nozomi Icon
UR 400073002 Nozomi
UR 400073002 Nozomi Idolized Icon
UR 400073002 Nozomi Idolized
Happy Rainy Day ♪
Gain 20% of own stamina as a shield.
Increase base Stamina by 4%.
Affects: Same Attribute

Hanayo Koizumi[]

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive)
100081001 R 100081001 Hanayo Icon
R 100081001 Hanayo
R 100081001 Hanayo Idolized Icon
R 100081001 Hanayo Idolized
Sought-After Stage
Reduce Stamina damage by 3% for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Strategy 30%
Increase base Stamina by 2%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
100081002 R 100081002 Hanayo Icon
R 100081002 Hanayo
R 100081002 Hanayo Idolized Icon
R 100081002 Hanayo Idolized
The Shine of White Rice
Increase Skill Activation % by 1.2% for 5 Notes.
Affects: All 30%
Increase base Stamina by 1.5%.
Affects: Same School

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
100082001 SR 100082001 Hanayo Icon
SR 100082001 Hanayo
SR 100082001 Hanayo Idolized Icon
SR 100082001 Hanayo Idolized
Thanks to You
Gain 25% of own Appeal as Voltage.
Increase base Appeal by 5%.
Affects: Self
Appeal Up
Increase Appeal by 8% for 10 Notes. Condition: On song start, 50% chance
Affects: Everyone
300082001 SR 300082001 Hanayo Icon
SR 300082001 Hanayo
SR 300082001 Hanayo Idolized Icon
SR 300082001 Hanayo Idolized
Doing My Best!
Increase Critical % by 5% for 10 Notes.
Affects: Same Strategy 30%
Increase base Technique by 3%.
Affects: Same Type
Appeal Up
Increase base Appeal by 3% until the Live Show ends. Condition: On song start, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
300082002 SR 300082002 Hanayo Icon
SR 300082002 Hanayo
SR 300082002 Hanayo Idolized Icon
SR 300082002 Hanayo Idolized
I can keep going more and more~!
Voltage gained from next SP Skill increases by 20% of own Appeal.
Increase base Technique by 2%.
Affects: Same School Year
Voltage Gained
Gain 30% of own Technique as Voltage. Condition: when completing Appeal Chance (AC), 30% chance
400082001 SR 400082001 Hanayo Icon
SR 400082001 Hanayo
SR 400082001 Hanayo Idolized Icon
SR 400082001 Hanayo Idolized
I hope my smile will reach you...!
Gain 4% of max SP as SP Gauge
Increase base Stamina by 2%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Stamina Restored
Recover Stamina by 25% of own Technique. Condition: when taking 2,000 or more damage, 40% chance

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
100083001 UR 100083001 Hanayo Icon
UR 100083001 Hanayo
UR 100083001 Hanayo Idolized Icon
UR 100083001 Hanayo Idolized
Child of Sun and Flowers
Gain 20% of own stamina as a shield.
Increase base Stamina by 3%.
Affects: Everyone
SP Gauge Gained
Gain 10% of own Appeal as SP Gauge. Condition: On song start, 30% chance
200083001 UR 200083001 Hanayo Icon
UR 200083001 Hanayo
UR 200083001 Hanayo Idolized Icon
UR 200083001 Hanayo Idolized
Here is my dream world
Increase Appeal by 7% for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Strategy 33%
Increase base Appeal by 4%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Critical Up
For 3 notes, increase critical chance by 10%. Condition: when performing Appeal, 20% chance
Affects: Same Strategy Member
300083001 UR 300083001 Hanayo Icon
UR 300083001 Hanayo
UR 300083001 Hanayo Idolized Icon
UR 300083001 Hanayo Idolized
Let's Dance Together!
Increase Appeal by 6% for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Year 33%
Increase base Stamina by 3%.
Affects: Everyone
Skill Activation % Up
Increase Skill Activation % by 10% for 10 Notes. Condition: On Strategy Switch, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
400083001 UR 400083001 Hanayo Icon
UR 400083001 Hanayo
UR 400083001 Hanayo Idolized Icon
UR 400083001 Hanayo Idolized
An Understated Angel
Gain 7% of max SP as SP Gauge
Increase base Technique by 4%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Skill Activation % Up
Increase Skill Activation % by 10% for 10 Notes. Condition: On Appeal Chance start, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone

Nico Yazawa[]

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive)
100091001 R 100091001 Nico Icon
R 100091001 Nico
R 100091001 Nico Idolized Icon
R 100091001 Nico Idolized
One Nico-Nico-Ni
Increase Appeal by 80 for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Strategy 30%
Increase base Appeal by 1%.
Affects: Same Attribute
100091002 R 100091002 Nico Icon
R 100091002 Nico
R 100091002 Nico Idolized Icon
R 100091002 Nico Idolized
I'll Show You What I've Got!
Gain 160 SP Gauge
Increase base Appeal by 2%.
Affects: Same Unit

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
100092001 SR 100092001 Nico Icon
SR 100092001 Nico
SR 100092001 Nico Idolized Icon
SR 100092001 Nico Idolized
Enchanted? Too Bad!
Reduce Stamina damage by 7% for 10 Notes.
Increase base Stamina by 2%.
Affects: Same Type
Remove Effects
Negate all lowering effects. (Does not include Base effects.) Condition: SP Skill activation, 50% chance.
Affects: Everyone
300092001 SR 300092001 Nico Icon
SR 300092001 Nico
SR 300092001 Nico Idolized Icon
SR 300092001 Nico Idolized
Love Nico ♪
Increase Critical Power by 5% for 10 Notes.
Affects: Same Strategy 30%
Increase base Appeal by 2%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Increase base critical power by 3% until the Live Show ends. Condition: On song start, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
400092001 SR 400092001 Nico Icon
SR 400092001 Nico
SR 400092001 Nico Idolized Icon
SR 400092001 Nico Idolized
Oh, Nooo!
Increase Voltage gain by 5% for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Type 30%
Increase base Technique by 2.5%.
Affects: Same Type
Appeal Up
Increase Appeal by 8% for 10 Notes. Condition: On Appeal Chance success, 50% chance
Affects: Everyone
400092002 SR 400092002 Nico Icon
SR 400092002 Nico
SR 400092002 Nico Idolized Icon
SR 400092002 Nico Idolized
Let’s Have Fun This Time ♪
Increase Critical % by 8% for 3 Notes.
Affects: Same Attribute 30%
Increase base Technique by 2%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Increase base critical power by 3% until the Live Show ends. Condition: On song start, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
100093001 UR 100093001 Nico Icon
UR 100093001 Nico
UR 100093001 Nico Idolized Icon
UR 100093001 Nico Idolized
Nico-Nico-Ni to Your Heart!
Gain 25% of own Appeal as Voltage.
Increase base Appeal by 5%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
Increase base Appeal by 5% until the Live Show ends. Condition: Once on Appeal Chance start, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
200093001 UR 200093001 Nico Icon
UR 200093001 Nico
UR 200093001 Nico Idolized Icon
UR 200093001 Nico Idolized
I'll catch everyone's heart, nico ♪
Restore 28% of own stamina.
Increase base Stamina by 5%.
Affects: Same Type
Stamina Restored
Restore 5% of own stamina. Condition: Take 500 or more damage, 10% chance
300093001 UR 300093001 Nico Icon
UR 300093001 Nico
UR 300093001 Nico Idolized Icon
UR 300093001 Nico Idolized
All Aboard!
Gain 7% of max SP as SP Gauge
Increase base Appeal by 4%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Skill Activation % Up
Increase Skill Activation % by 15% for 10 Notes. Condition: On Appeal Chance start, 30% chance
Affects: Same Attribute
400093001 UR 400093001 Nico Icon
UR 400093001 Nico
UR 400093001 Nico Idolized Icon
UR 400093001 Nico Idolized
This is the Secret to Beautiful Skin♪
Gain 5% of max SP as SP Gauge
Increase base Technique by 3%.
Affects: Everyone


Chika Takami[]

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive)
101011001 R 101011001 Chika Icon
R 101011001 Chika
R 101011001 Chika Idolized Icon
R 101011001 Chika Idolized
Infinite Possibilities
Increase Voltage gained by next SP Skill by 100.
Increase base Appeal by 1%.
Affects: Same Attribute
101011002 R 101011002 Chika Icon
R 101011002 Chika
R 101011002 Chika Idolized Icon
R 101011002 Chika Idolized
With My Heart and Soul!
Gain 250 Shields
Increase base Appeal by 2%.
Affects: Same Unit

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
101012001 SR 101012001 Chika Icon
SR 101012001 Chika
SR 101012001 Chika Idolized Icon
SR 101012001 Chika Idolized
Thoughts into Words
Increase Voltage gain by 5% for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Type 30%
Increase base Appeal by 3%.
Affects: Same Type
Appeal Up
Increase Appeal by 10% for 10 Notes. Condition: On Appeal Chance failure, 80% chance
Affects: Other Than Self
201012001 SR 201012001 Chika Icon
SR 201012001 Chika
SR 201012001 Chika Idolized Icon
SR 201012001 Chika Idolized
Unforgettable Memories
Gain 5% of max SP as SP Gauge
Increase base Technique by 3%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
SP Skill Up
Voltage gained from next SP Skill increases by 8% of own Appeal.
Condition: On Appeal Chance start, 30% chance
401012001 SR 401012001 Chika Icon
SR 401012001 Chika
SR 401012001 Chika Idolized Icon
SR 401012001 Chika Idolized
Mikan Power
Restore 20% of own stamina.
Increase base Stamina by 5%.
Affects: Self
Stamina Restored
Restore 20% of own stamina. Condition: On Appeal Chance failure, 50% chance
401012002 SR 401012002 Chika Icon
SR 401012002 Chika
SR 401012002 Chika Idolized Icon
SR 401012002 Chika Idolized
A Single Thought!
Increase Appeal by 1% for 5 Notes.
Affects: All 30%
Increase base Appeal by 1.5%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Skill Activation % Up
Increase Skill Activation % by 8% for 10 Notes.
Condition: On Appeal Chance start, 30% chance
Affects: Self

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
101013001 UR 101013001 Chika Icon
UR 101013001 Chika
UR 101013001 Chika Idolized Icon
UR 101013001 Chika Idolized
Where the Heart Shines!
Increase Skill Activation % by 4.2% for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Strategy 33%
Increase base Stamina by 4%.
Affects: Other Than Self
Lower Damage
Reduce stamina damage by 2.2% until the Live Show ends.
Condition: On song start, 30% chance
301013001 UR 301013001 Chika Icon
UR 301013001 Chika
UR 301013001 Chika Idolized Icon
UR 301013001 Chika Idolized
Wish Upon a Shooting Star
SP Gauge gain increases by 4% for 10 Notes
Affects: All 33%
Increase base Technique by 3%.
Affects: Everyone
Shield Gained
Gain 10% of own Appeal as a shield.
Condition: On Appeal Chance success, 20% chance
401013001 UR 401013001 Chika Icon
UR 401013001 Chika
UR 401013001 Chika Idolized Icon
UR 401013001 Chika Idolized
I'm gonna catch you!
Gain 6% of max SP as SP Gauge
Increase base Technique by 5%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
SP Skill Up
Voltage gained from next SP Skill increases by 15% of own Appeal.
Condition: On Appeal Chance start, 30% chance

Riko Sakurauchi[]

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive)
101021001 R 101021001 Riko Icon
R 101021001 Riko
R 101021001 Riko Idolized Icon
R 101021001 Riko Idolized
A New Me
Increase Skill Activation % by 2.2% for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Strategy 30%
Increase base Technique by 1%.
Affects: Same Attribute
101021002 R 101021002 Riko Icon
R 101021002 Riko
R 101021002 Riko Idolized Icon
R 101021002 Riko Idolized
Another Meeting
Increase Appeal by 60 for 5 Notes.
Affects: All 30%
Increase base Technique by 1.5%.
Affects: Same School

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
101022001 SR 101022001 Riko Icon
SR 101022001 Riko
SR 101022001 Riko Idolized Icon
SR 101022001 Riko Idolized
I'm With You
Gain 5% of max SP as SP Gauge
Increase base Technique by 1%.
Affects: Self
SP Skill Up
Voltage gained from next SP Skill increases by 8% of own Appeal. Condition: On Appeal Chance start, 30% chance
301022001 SR 301022001 Riko Icon
SR 301022001 Riko
SR 301022001 Riko Idolized Icon
SR 301022001 Riko Idolized
Guided by the melody
Increase Skill Activation % by 3.2% for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Attribute 30%
Increase base Technique by 3%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
SP Gauge Gain Up
Increase SP Gauge Gain by 8% for 10 Notes. Condition: On Appeal Chance start, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
301022002 SR 301022002 Riko Icon
SR 301022002 Riko
SR 301022002 Riko Idolized Icon
SR 301022002 Riko Idolized
Connecting New Dreams
Gain 25% of own Appeal as Voltage.
Increase base Appeal by 2%.
Increase base Appeal by 4% until the Live Show ends. Condition: 1 on Appeal Chance success, 30% chance
401022001 SR 401022001 Riko Icon
SR 401022001 Riko
SR 401022001 Riko Idolized Icon
SR 401022001 Riko Idolized
A Wonderful Tone
Restore 20% of own stamina.
Increase base Technique by 3%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
Lower Damage
Reduce stamina damage by 1.2% until the Live Show ends. Condition: On song start, 30% chance
401022002 SR 401022002 Riko Icon
SR 401022002 Riko
SR 401022002 Riko Idolized Icon
SR 401022002 Riko Idolized
Floating Together
Voltage gained from next SP Skill increases by 20% of own Appeal.
Increase base Stamina by 2%.
Affects: Same Type
Critical Up
Increase Critical % by 5% until Appeal Chance ends. Condition: On Appeal Chance start, 15% chance
Affects: Same Type

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
101023001 UR 101023001 Riko Icon
UR 101023001 Riko
UR 101023001 Riko Idolized Icon
UR 101023001 Riko Idolized
Messenger from Heaven
Reduce Stamina damage by 10% for 10 Notes.
Increase base Stamina by 3%.
Affects: Everyone
Remove Effects
Negate all lowering effects. (Does not include Base effects.) Condition: On Strategy Switch, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
301023001 UR 301023001 Riko Icon
UR 301023001 Riko
UR 301023001 Riko Idolized Icon
UR 301023001 Riko Idolized
The Moment We Shine
Gain 20% of own stamina as a shield.
Increase base Stamina by 4%.
Affects: Other Than Self
Skill Activation % Up
Increase Skill Activation % by 10% for 10 Notes. Condition: On Appeal Chance success, 50% chance
Affects: Everyone
401023001 UR 401023001 Riko Icon
UR 401023001 Riko
UR 401023001 Riko Idolized Icon
UR 401023001 Riko Idolized
I might've got thorns too, you know?
Gain 20% of own stamina as a shield.
Affects: All 33%
Increase base Technique by 3%.
Affects: Everyone
Appeal Up (Vo)
Increase Appeal by amount of Voltage-types in your Show Formation x 1% for 5 Notes. Condition: On Appeal Chance start, 20% chance
Affects: Same Strategy Member
401023002 UR 401023002 Riko Icon
UR 401023002 Riko
UR 401023002 Riko Idolized Icon
UR 401023002 Riko Idolized
Princess Pride
Voltage gained from next SP Skill increases by 30% of own Appeal.
Increase base Technique by 4%.
Affects: Same Attribute

Kanan Matsuura[]

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive)
101031001 R 101031001 Kanan Icon
R 101031001 Kanan
R 101031001 Kanan Idolized Icon
R 101031001 Kanan Idolized
Increase Critical % by 3% for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Strategy 30%
Increase base Stamina by 1%.
Affects: Same Type
101031002 R 101031002 Kanan Icon
R 101031002 Kanan
R 101031002 Kanan Idolized Icon
R 101031002 Kanan Idolized
Frolicking with the Sea
Reduce Stamina damage by 4% for 5 Notes.
Increase base Stamina by 1.5%.
Affects: Same School

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
101032001 SR 101032001 Kanan Icon
SR 101032001 Kanan
SR 101032001 Kanan Idolized Icon
SR 101032001 Kanan Idolized
Cheering You Again and Again
SP Gauge gain increases by 3% for 5 Notes
Affects: All 30%
Increase base Stamina by 3%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
SP Gauge Gained
Gain 8% of own Appeal as SP Gauge. Condition: SP Skill activation, 30% chance
301032001 SR 301032001 Kanan Icon
SR 301032001 Kanan
SR 301032001 Kanan Idolized Icon
SR 301032001 Kanan Idolized
To the Sea of Possibilities
Gain 15% of own Technique as Shield
Increase base Stamina by 3%.
Affects: Same Type
Appeal Up
Increase Appeal by 4% for 10 Notes. Condition: On Appeal Chance start, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
401032001 SR 401032001 Kanan Icon
SR 401032001 Kanan
SR 401032001 Kanan Idolized Icon
SR 401032001 Kanan Idolized
Come here ♪
Increase Critical % by 8% for 3 Notes.
Affects: Same Attribute 30%
Increase base Technique by 2%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Appeal Up
Increase Appeal by 2.5% for 5 Notes. Condition: On Strategy Switch, 20% chance
Affects: Same Attribute
401032002 SR 401032002 Kanan Icon
SR 401032002 Kanan
SR 401032002 Kanan Idolized Icon
SR 401032002 Kanan Idolized
Depart for the Next Heart-Pounding Moment!
Reduce Stamina damage by 6% for 10 Notes.
Increase base Stamina by 5%.
Affects: Self
Shield Gained
Gain 20% of own Stamina as Shield. Condition: on song start, 20% chance

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
101033001 UR 101033001 Kanan Icon
UR 101033001 Kanan
UR 101033001 Kanan Idolized Icon
UR 101033001 Kanan Idolized
Messenger from Heaven
Reduce Stamina damage by 10% for 10 Notes.
Increase base Stamina by 3%.
Affects: Everyone
Increase base Appeal by 5% until the Live Show ends. Condition: 1 on Appeal Chance success, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
301033001 UR 301033001 Kanan Icon
UR 301033001 Kanan
UR 301033001 Kanan Idolized Icon
UR 301033001 Kanan Idolized
Wanna Sleep Next to Me?
Voltage gained from next SP Skill increases by 30% of own Appeal.
Increase base Technique by 3%.
Affects: Everyone
SP Gauge Gained
Gain 10% of own Appeal as SP Gauge. Condition: On song start, 30% chance
401033001 UR 401033001 Kanan Icon
UR 401033001 Kanan
UR 401033001 Kanan Idolized Icon
UR 401033001 Kanan Idolized
I won't come back again
The next time you'll activate SP skill, increase the Voltage gained by 28% of own Technique
Increase base Technique by 4%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Remove Effects
Negate all lowering effects. (Does not include Base effects.) Condition: On Strategy Switch, 20% chance
Affects: Everyone
401033002 UR 401033002 Kanan Icon
UR 401033002 Kanan
UR 401033002 Kanan Idolized Icon
UR 401033002 Kanan Idolized
Can You Come With Me?
Gain 6% of max SP as SP Gauge
Increase base Technique by 5%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
Critical Up
For 3 notes, increase Critical Rate by 15%. Condition: when activating the SP skill, 50% chance
Affects: Everyone

Dia Kurosawa[]

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive)
101041001 R 101041001 Dia Icon
R 101041001 Dia
R 101041001 Dia Idolized Icon
R 101041001 Dia Idolized
Caring Sister
Gain 200 Voltage
Increase base Technique by 1.5%.
Affects: Same Type
101041002 R 101041002 Dia Icon
R 101041002 Dia
R 101041002 Dia Idolized Icon
R 101041002 Dia Idolized
Ah, My Sides
SP Gauge gain increases by 3% for 10 Notes
Affects: All 30%
Increase base Technique by 2%.
Affects: Same Unit

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
101042001 SR 101042001 Dia Icon
SR 101042001 Dia
SR 101042001 Dia Idolized Icon
SR 101042001 Dia Idolized
Words for You!
Restore 20% of own stamina.
Increase base Stamina by 5%.
Affects: Self
Stamina Restored
Restore 20% of own stamina. Condition: On Appeal Chance failure, 50% chance
301042001 SR 301042001 Dia Icon
SR 301042001 Dia
SR 301042001 Dia Idolized Icon
SR 301042001 Dia Idolized
You Will Listen!
Increase Voltage gain by 4% for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Attribute 30%
Increase base Technique by 2%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Voltage Up
Increase Voltage gain by 4% for 5 Notes. Condition: On Strategy Switch, 20% chance
Affects: Same Attribute
301042002 SR 301042002 Dia Icon
SR 301042002 Dia
SR 301042002 Dia Idolized Icon
SR 301042002 Dia Idolized
Filled with Sincerity
Increase Appeal by 5% for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Strategy 30%
Increase base Stamina by 3%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
Voltage Gained
Gain 30% of own Appeal as Voltage. Condition: On Strategy Switch, 20% chance
401042001 SR 401042001 Dia Icon
SR 401042001 Dia
SR 401042001 Dia Idolized Icon
SR 401042001 Dia Idolized
Let's move forward together!
SP Gauge gain increases by 3% for 5 Notes
Affects: All 30%
Increase base Stamina by 2%.
Affects: Same Attribute
SP Gauge Gained
Gain 7% of own Technique as SP Gauge. Condition: On song start, 30% chance

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
101043001 UR 101043001 Dia Icon
UR 101043001 Dia
UR 101043001 Dia Idolized Icon
UR 101043001 Dia Idolized
Uchiura's Sacred Dance
Voltage gained from next SP Skill increases by 30% of own Appeal.
Increase base Technique by 4%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Increase base Appeal by 5% until the Live Show ends. Condition: 1 on Appeal Chance success, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
301043001 UR 301043001 Dia Icon
UR 301043001 Dia
UR 301043001 Dia Idolized Icon
UR 301043001 Dia Idolized
Together with Ruby
Gain 20% of own stamina as a shield.
Increase base Technique by 5%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
SP Skill Up
Voltage gained from next SP Skill increases by 11% of own Appeal. Condition: On Appeal Chance start, 30% chance
401043001 UR 401043001 Dia Icon
UR 401043001 Dia
UR 401043001 Dia Idolized Icon
UR 401043001 Dia Idolized
Thousand lights from heaven
Reduce Stamina damage by 33% for 3 Notes.
Increase base Stamina by 3%.
Affects: Everyone
Voltage Gain
Gain 35% of own Stamina as Voltage. Condition: at the start of Appeal Chance (AC), 45% chance
401043002 UR 401043002 Dia Icon
UR 401043002 Dia
UR 401043002 Dia Idolized Icon
UR 401043002 Dia Idolized
Let Me Guide You—!
Gain 23% of own Appeal as Voltage.
Increase base Technique by 3%.
Affects: Everyone
Appeal Up
Increase Appeal by 3.2% for 5 Notes. Condition: On Strategy Switch, 20% chance
Affects: Everyone

You Watanabe[]

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive)
101051001 R 101051001 You Icon
R 101051001 You
R 101051001 You Idolized Icon
R 101051001 You Idolized
Aye Aye to a New Day!
Increase Voltage gain by 80 for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Strategy 30%
Increase base Appeal by 1%.
Affects: Same Attribute
101051002 R 101051002 You Icon
R 101051002 You
R 101051002 You Idolized Icon
R 101051002 You Idolized
It'll Work Out!
Increase Skill Activation % by 1.2% for 5 Notes.
Affects: All 30%
Increase base Appeal by 1.5%.
Affects: Same School

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
101052001 SR 101052001 You Icon
SR 101052001 You
SR 101052001 You Idolized Icon
SR 101052001 You Idolized
You're Not Alone
Voltage gained from next SP Skill increases by 20% of own Appeal.
Increase base Technique by 2.5%.
Affects: Same Type
SP Gauge Gain Up
Increase SP Gauge Gain by 8% for 10 Notes. Condition: On song start, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
301052001 SR 301052001 You Icon
SR 301052001 You
SR 301052001 You Idolized Icon
SR 301052001 You Idolized
I'll Give You This!
Increase Critical Power by 5% for 10 Notes.
Affects: Same Strategy 30%
Increase base Technique by 5%.
Affects: Self
Voltage Up
Increase Voltage gain by 3% until the Live Show ends. Condition: On song start, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
401052001 SR 401052001 You Icon
SR 401052001 You
SR 401052001 You Idolized Icon
SR 401052001 You Idolized
I'm feeling great!
Reduce Stamina damage by 6% for 10 Notes.
Increase base Stamina by 2%.
Affects: Same School Year
Stamina Restored
Restore 20% of own stamina. Condition: On Appeal Chance start, 30% chance
401052002 SR 401052002 You Icon
SR 401052002 You
SR 401052002 You Idolized Icon
SR 401052002 You Idolized
Beyond the Light
Increase Critical % by 5% for 10 Notes.
Affects: Same Strategy 30%
Increase base Technique by 2%.
Affects: Same School Year
Increase base Appeal by 3% until the Live Show ends. Condition: 1 on Appeal Chance success, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
101053001 UR 101053001 You Icon
UR 101053001 You
UR 101053001 You Idolized Icon
UR 101053001 You Idolized
Let's Celebrate Normal Days
Restore 20% of own stamina.
Increase base Stamina by 5%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
Stamina Restored
Restore 20% of own stamina. Condition: Take 1,000 or more damage, 40% chance
201053001 UR 201053001 You Icon
UR 201053001 You
UR 201053001 You Idolized Icon
UR 201053001 You Idolized
Full Speed Ahead!
Increase appeal by 5 for 6% notes
Affects: Same Year 33%
Increase base Stamina by 3%.
Affects: Everyone
Skill Activation % Up
Increase Skill Activation % by 10% for 10 Notes. Condition: On Strategy Switch, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
301053001 UR 301053001 You Icon
UR 301053001 You
UR 301053001 You Idolized Icon
UR 301053001 You Idolized
Turning Dreams into Reality
Gain 7% of max SP as SP Gauge
Increase base Stamina by 5%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
SP Gauge Gain Up
Increase SP Gauge Gain by 10% for 10 Notes. Condition: On Appeal Chance start, 30% chance
Affects: Same Strategy Member
401053001 UR 401053001 You Icon
UR 401053001 You
UR 401053001 You Idolized Icon
UR 401053001 You Idolized
I hope this feeling won't melt away
Gain 17% of own stamina as a shield.
Increase base Appeal by 3%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Critical Up
Increase Critical % by 8% for 5 Notes. Condition: On Appeal Chance success, 40% chance
Affects: Same Attribute

Yoshiko Tsushima[]

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive)
101061001 R 101061001 Yoshiko Icon
R 101061001 Yoshiko
R 101061001 Yoshiko Idolized Icon
R 101061001 Yoshiko Idolized
Yohane's Magic Eye
Increase Appeal by 80 for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Strategy 30%
Increase base Appeal by 1.5%.
Affects: Same Type
101061002 R 101061002 Yoshiko Icon
R 101061002 Yoshiko
R 101061002 Yoshiko Idolized Icon
R 101061002 Yoshiko Idolized
Whispers of Darkness
Gain 250 Shields
Increase base Appeal by 25%.
Affects: SameUnit

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
101062001 SR 101062001 Yoshiko Icon
SR 101062001 Yoshiko
SR 101062001 Yoshiko Idolized Icon
SR 101062001 Yoshiko Idolized
Fallen Angel's Judgement
Increase Critical % by 5% for 10 Notes.
Affects: Same Strategy 30%
Increase base Appeal by 3%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
Skill Activation % Up
Increase Skill Activation % by 8% for 10 Notes. Condition: On Strategy Switch, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
301062001 SR 301062001 Yoshiko Icon
SR 301062001 Yoshiko
SR 301062001 Yoshiko Idolized Icon
SR 301062001 Yoshiko Idolized
The Fallen Angel Descends!
Reduce Stamina damage by 7% for 10 Notes.
Increase base Stamina by 3%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
Adds the effect to revive and restore 10% stamina when it hits 0. Condition: On song start, 30% chance
301062002 SR 301062002 Yoshiko Icon
SR 301062002 Yoshiko
SR 301062002 Yoshiko Idolized Icon
SR 301062002 Yoshiko Idolized
Shining Feeling Deep Inside
Gain 15% of own stamina as a shield.
Increase base Stamina by 3%.
Affects: Self
Lower Damage
Reduce stamina damage by 3.2% until the Live Show ends. Condition: On song start, 20% chance
401062001 SR 401062001 Yoshiko Icon
SR 401062001 Yoshiko
SR 401062001 Yoshiko Idolized Icon
SR 401062001 Yoshiko Idolized
I can keep going!
Voltage gained from next SP Skill increases by 18% of own Appeal.
Increase base Technique by 2%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Voltage Up
Increase Voltage gain by 2% for 5 Notes. Condition: On Strategy Switch, 20% chance
Affects: Same Attribute

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
101063001 UR 101063001 Yoshiko Icon
UR 101063001 Yoshiko
UR 101063001 Yoshiko Idolized Icon
UR 101063001 Yoshiko Idolized
Trick or Fall
Gain 7% of max SP as SP Gauge
Increase base Technique by 5%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
SP Gauge Gain Up
Increase SP Gauge Gain by 10% for 15 Notes. Condition: On song start, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
201063001 UR 201063001 Yoshiko Icon
UR 201063001 Yoshiko
UR 201063001 Yoshiko Idolized Icon
UR 201063001 Yoshiko Idolized
Fallen Angel Rain
Increase Skill Activation % by 22% for 2 Notes.
Affects: Same Strategy 33%
Increase base Technique by 5%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
Switch Effect Up (Gd)
Increase Stamina restoration from Strategy Switch Bonus by 200% until the app is exited. Condition: On song start, 20% chance
Affects: Same Strategy Member
301063001 UR 301063001 Yoshiko Icon
UR 301063001 Yoshiko
UR 301063001 Yoshiko Idolized Icon
UR 301063001 Yoshiko Idolized
Building Dark Power
Restore 20% of own stamina.
Increase base Stamina by 4%.
Affects: Other Than Self
Stamina Restored
Restore 20% of own stamina. Condition: On Appeal Chance start, 30% chance
301063002 UR 301063002 Yoshiko Icon
UR 301063002 Yoshiko
UR 301063002 Yoshiko Idolized Icon
UR 301063002 Yoshiko Idolized
Carrot • Bunny
Gain 25% of own Appeal as Voltage.
Increase base Appeal by 4%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Skill Activation % Up
Increase Skill Activation % by 10% for 10 Notes. Condition: On Appeal Chance success, 50% chance
Affects: Everyone

Hanamaru Kunikida[]

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive)
101071001 R 101071001 Hanamaru Icon
R 101071001 Hanamaru
R 101071001 Hanamaru Idolized Icon
R 101071001 Hanamaru Idolized
Have a Gold Star, Zura
Gain 200 Shields
Increase base Stamina by 1%.
Affects: Same Attribute
101071002 R 101071002 Hanamaru Icon
R 101071002 Hanamaru
R 101071002 Hanamaru Idolized Icon
R 101071002 Hanamaru Idolized
School Idol Resolve
Increase Voltage gain by 80 for 5 Notes.
Affects: All 30%
Increase base Stamina by 1.5%.
Affects: Same School

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
101072001 SR 101072001 Hanamaru Icon
SR 101072001 Hanamaru
SR 101072001 Hanamaru Idolized Icon
SR 101072001 Hanamaru Idolized
That's Friendship, Zura
Increase Critical Power by 5% for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Strategy 30%
Increase base Stamina by 5%.
Affects: Self
Increase base Appeal by 3% until the Live Show ends. Condition: On song start, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
301072001 SR 301072001 Hanamaru Icon
SR 301072001 Hanamaru
SR 301072001 Hanamaru Idolized Icon
SR 301072001 Hanamaru Idolized
I'm So Excited, Zura!
Reduce Stamina damage by 7% for 10 Notes.
Increase base Stamina by 2%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Stamina Restored
Restore 20% of own stamina. Condition: On Appeal Chance failure, 50% chance
401072001 SR 401072001 Hanamaru Icon
SR 401072001 Hanamaru
SR 401072001 Hanamaru Idolized Icon
SR 401072001 Hanamaru Idolized
Full of Pep, Zura!
SP Gauge gain increases by 3% for 5 Notes
Affects: Same Year 30%
Increase base Technique by 2%.
Affects: Same Type
SP Gauge Gained
Gain 10% of own Appeal as SP Gauge. Condition: On song start, 30% chance
401072002 SR 401072002 Hanamaru Icon
SR 401072002 Hanamaru
SR 401072002 Hanamaru Idolized Icon
SR 401072002 Hanamaru Idolized
Drawing a Future
Increase Voltage gain by 4% for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Year 30%
Increase base Appeal by 2%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Skill Activation % Up
Increase Skill Activation % by 8% for 10 Notes. Condition: On Appeal Chance success, 50% chance
Affects: Everyone

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
101073001 UR 101073001 Hanamaru Icon
UR 101073001 Hanamaru
UR 101073001 Hanamaru Idolized Icon
UR 101073001 Hanamaru Idolized
Like a Dream, Zura!
Voltage gained from next SP Skill increases by 30% of own Appeal.
Increase base Technique by 3%.
Affects: Everyone
SP Gauge Gained
Gain 10% of own Appeal as SP Gauge. Condition: On song start, 30% chance
201073001 UR 201073001 Hanamaru Icon
UR 201073001 Hanamaru
UR 201073001 Hanamaru Idolized Icon
UR 201073001 Hanamaru Idolized
I hope my wish will reach you ♪
Gain 28% of own stamina as a shield.
Increase base Stamina by 3%.
Affects: Everyone
Stamina Restored
Restore 10% of own Stamina. Condition: when performing Appeal, 20% chance
301073001 UR 301073001 Hanamaru Icon
UR 301073001 Hanamaru
UR 301073001 Hanamaru Idolized Icon
UR 301073001 Hanamaru Idolized
Covered in Steam
Gain 6% of max SP as SP Gauge
Increase base Appeal by 4%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Skill Activation % Up
Increase Skill Activation % by 10% for 10 Notes. Condition: On Appeal Chance start, 30% chance.
Affects: Same Attribute
401073001 UR 401073001 Hanamaru Icon
UR 401073001 Hanamaru
UR 401073001 Hanamaru Idolized Icon
UR 401073001 Hanamaru Idolized
Surrounded by Nature
Gain 25% of own Appeal as Voltage.
Increase base Appeal by 4%.
Affects: Same Attribute
IIncrease base Appeal by 5% until the Live Show ends. Condition: Once on Appeal Chance start, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone

Mari Ohara[]

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive)
101081001 R 101081001 Mari Icon
R 101081001 Mari
R 101081001 Mari Idolized Icon
R 101081001 Mari Idolized
Gain 100 Voltage
Increase base Technique by 1.5%.
Affects: Same Type
101081002 R 101081002 Mari Icon
R 101081002 Mari
R 101081002 Mari Idolized Icon
R 101081002 Mari Idolized
Shining Mind
Gain 200 Stamina
Increase base Technique by 1.5%.
Affects: Same School

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
101082001 SR 101082001 Mari Icon
SR 101082001 Mari
SR 101082001 Mari Idolized Icon
SR 101082001 Mari Idolized
The Sky's Connected!
Increase Skill Activation % by 3.2% for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Attribute 30%
Increase base Technique by 3%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
Increase base critical power by 3% until the Live Show ends.
Condition: On song start, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
301082001 SR 301082001 Mari Icon
SR 301082001 Mari
SR 301082001 Mari Idolized Icon
SR 301082001 Mari Idolized
Let's! Sing a song♪
SP Gauge gain increases by 3% for 5 Notes
Affects: All 30%
Increase base Technique by 3%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
SP Skill Up
Voltage gained from next SP Skill increases by 8% of own Appeal.
Condition: On Appeal Chance start, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
401082001 SR 401082001 Mari Icon
SR 401082001 Mari
SR 401082001 Mari Idolized Icon
SR 401082001 Mari Idolized
Let's Enjoy Ourselves
Gain 15% of own stamina as a shield.
Increase base Stamina by 2%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Stamina Restored
Restore 25% of own stamina.
Condition: Take 2,000 or more damage, 40% chance
401082002 SR 401082002 Mari Icon
SR 401082002 Mari
SR 401082002 Mari Idolized Icon
SR 401082002 Mari Idolized
Cherishing this moment
Increase Appeal by 2% for 5 Notes.
Affects: All 30%
Increase base Technique by 2%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Voltage Up
Increase your Voltage gain by 2% until the Live Show ends.
Condition: when succeeding Appeal Chance (AC) only once, 20% chance
Affects: Everyone

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
101083001 UR 101083001 Mari Icon
UR 101083001 Mari
UR 101083001 Mari Idolized Icon
UR 101083001 Mari Idolized
Rose Chocolate
Gain 25% of own Appeal as Voltage.
Increase base Appeal by 4%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Skill Activation % Up
Increase Skill Activation % by 10% for 10 Notes.
Condition: On Appeal Chance success, 50% chance
Affects: Everyone
201083001 UR 201083001 Mari Icon
UR 201083001 Mari
UR 201083001 Mari Idolized Icon
UR 201083001 Mari Idolized
Shall We Dance?
Recover 28% of your stamina
Increase base Appeal by 5%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
Increase base Appeal by 5% until the Live Show ends.
Condition: On song start, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
301083001 UR 301083001 Mari Icon
UR 301083001 Mari
UR 301083001 Mari Idolized Icon
UR 301083001 Mari Idolized
The World's Dyed in a Mari Color, Yo!
The next time you'll activate SP skill, increase the Voltage gained by 30% of own Technique
Increase base Technique by 4%.
Affects: Same Attribute
SP Skill Up
401083001 UR 401083001 Mari Icon
UR 401083001 Mari
UR 401083001 Mari Idolized Icon
UR 401083001 Mari Idolized
Time to Depart!
Restore 20% of own stamina.
Increase base Stamina by 5%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Lower Damage
Reduce Stamina damage by 5% until Appeal Chance ends.
Condition: On Appeal Chance start, 30% chance

Ruby Kurosawa[]

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive)
101091001 R 101091001 Ruby Icon
R 101091001 Ruby
R 101091001 Ruby Idolized Icon
R 101091001 Ruby Idolized
I'll Do My Rubesty!
Gain 150 Stamina
Increase base Stamina by 1%.
Affects: Same Attribute
101091002 R 101091002 Ruby Icon
R 101091002 Ruby
R 101091002 Ruby Idolized Icon
R 101091002 Ruby Idolized
Increase Voltage gained by next SP Skill by 110.
Increase base Stamina by 1.5%.
Affects: Same School

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
101092001 SR 101092001 Ruby Icon
SR 101092001 Ruby
SR 101092001 Ruby Idolized Icon
SR 101092001 Ruby Idolized
This Is Kind of Embarrassing.
Gain 25% of own Appeal as Voltage.
Increase base Appeal by 2.5%.
Affects: Same Type
Skill Activation % Up
Increase base Appeal by 2.5%.
Affects: Other Than Self
201092001 SR 201092001 Ruby Icon
SR 201092001 Ruby
SR 201092001 Ruby Idolized Icon
SR 201092001 Ruby Idolized
Something Lovely for Ruby
Gain 5% of max SP as SP Gauge
Increase base Technique by 5%.
Affects: Self
SP Gauge Gained
Gain 8% of own Appeal as SP Gauge. Condition: On song start, 50% chance
401092001 SR 401092001 Ruby Icon
SR 401092001 Ruby
SR 401092001 Ruby Idolized Icon
SR 401092001 Ruby Idolized
The big dream of a small Ruby
Gain 12% of own stamina as a shield.
Increase base Stamina by 2%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Stamina Restored
Restore 15% of own stamina. Condition: Take 2,000 or more damage, 40% chance

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
101092001 UR 101093001 Ruby Icon
UR 101093001 Ruby
UR 101093001 Ruby Idolized Icon
UR 101093001 Ruby Idolized
Making Everyone Smile!
Gain 20% of own stamina as a shield.
Increase base Appeal by 5%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
Increase base Appeal by 5% until the Live Show ends. Condition: On song start, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
201093001 UR 201093001 Ruby Icon
UR 201093001 Ruby
UR 201093001 Ruby Idolized Icon
UR 201093001 Ruby Idolized
Your Lap Pillow Feels Nice
Restore 28% of own stamina.
Increase base Stamina by 4%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Lower Damage
Reduce Stamina damage by 5% until Appeal Chance ends. Condition: On Appeal Chance start, 50% chance
301093001 UR 301093001 Ruby Icon
UR 301093001 Ruby
UR 301093001 Ruby Idolized Icon
UR 301093001 Ruby Idolized
Charming Lollipop
SP Gauge gain increases by 5% for 10 Notes
Affects: All 33%
Increase base Appeal by 3%.
Affects: Everyone
SP Gauge Gain Up
Increase SP Gauge Gain by 10% for 15 Notes. Condition: On Strategy Switch, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
401093001 UR 401093001 Ruby Icon
UR 401093001 Ruby
UR 401093001 Ruby Idolized Icon
UR 401093001 Ruby Idolized
I'll Model My Rubesty!
Increase Voltage gain by 5% for 5 Notes.
Affects: All 33%
Increase base Appeal by 3%.
Affects: Everyone
Voltage Gained
Gain 35% of own Appeal as Voltage. Condition: On Appeal Chance success, 30% chance


Ayumu Uehara[]

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive)
102011001 R 102011001 Ayumu Icon
R 102011001 Ayumu
R 102011001 Ayumu Idolized Icon
R 102011001 Ayumu Idolized
With You
Gain 110 SP Gauge
Increase base Appeal by 1%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
102011002 R 102011002 Ayumu Icon
R 102011002 Ayumu
R 102011002 Ayumu Idolized Icon
R 102011002 Ayumu Idolized
Stairway to Dreams
Increase Skill Activation % by 1.2% for 5 Notes.
Affects: All 30%
Increase base Appeal by 1.5%.
Affects: Same School
502011001 R 502011001 Ayumu Icon
R 502011001 Ayumu
R 502011001 Ayumu Idolized Icon
R 502011001 Ayumu Idolized
I'll do my very best with practise!
Increase Voltage gain by 1.4% for 5 Notes.
Affects: All 30%
Increase base Appeal by 2.8%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
102012001 SR 102012001 Ayumu Icon
SR 102012001 Ayumu
SR 102012001 Ayumu Idolized Icon
SR 102012001 Ayumu Idolized
Steady Progress
Restore 20% of own stamina.
Increase base Stamina by 3%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
Adds the effect to revive and restore 10% stamina when it hits 0. Condition: On song start, 30% chance
302012001 SR 302012001 Ayumu Icon
SR 302012001 Ayumu
SR 302012001 Ayumu Idolized Icon
SR 302012001 Ayumu Idolized
The step forward I did
Voltage gained from next SP Skill increases by 20% of own Appeal.
Increase base Appeal by 2%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Increase base Appeal by 3% until the Live Show ends. Condition: 1 on Appeal Chance success, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
302012002 SR 302012002 Ayumu Icon
SR 302012002 Ayumu
SR 302012002 Ayumu Idolized Icon
SR 302012002 Ayumu Idolized
It's Fun When There's a Lot of Overlapping Sounds ♪
Gain 5% of max SP as SP Gauge
Increase base Technique by 2%.
Affects: Same Attribute
SP Gauge Gained
Gain 8% of own Technique as SP Gauge. Condition: On song start, 50% chance
402012001 SR 402012001 Ayumu Icon
SR 402012001 Ayumu
SR 402012001 Ayumu Idolized Icon
SR 402012001 Ayumu Idolized
Hoppy Heart
Gain 15% of own stamina as a shield.
Increase base Appeal by 2.5%.
Affects: Same Type
SP Gauge Gain Up
Increase SP Gauge Gain by 8% for 10 Notes. Condition: On Appeal Chance success, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
302013001 UR 302013001 Ayumu Icon
UR 302013001 Ayumu
UR 302013001 Ayumu Idolized Icon
UR 302013001 Ayumu Idolized
Let the Feast Begin♥
Increase Appeal by 7% for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Strategy 33%
Increase base Appeal by 4%.
Affects: Same School Year
SP Gauge Gained
Gain 8% of own Appeal as SP Gauge. Condition: On Appeal Chance success, 30% chance
402013001 UR 402013001 Ayumu Icon
UR 402013001 Ayumu
UR 402013001 Ayumu Idolized Icon
UR 402013001 Ayumu Idolized
Creamy Berry
Restore 20% of own stamina.
Increase base Stamina by 5%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
Shield Gained
Gain 10% of own stamina as a shield. Condition: On Strategy Switch, 20% chance

Kasumi Nakasu[]

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive)
102021001 R 102021001 Kasumi Icon
R 102021001 Kasumi
R 102021001 Kasumi Idolized Icon
R 102021001 Kasumi Idolized
Mischievous Little Devil
Increase Appeal by 80 for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Strategy 30%
Increase base Appeal by 1.5%.
Affects: Same Type
102021002 R 102021002 Kasumi Icon
R 102021002 Kasumi
R 102021002 Kasumi Idolized Icon
R 102021002 Kasumi Idolized
Unseen Efforts
Gain 250 Shields
Increase base Stamina by 1.5%.
Affects: Same School Year
502021001 R 502021001 Kasumi Icon
R 502021001 Kasumi
R 502021001 Kasumi Idolized Icon
R 502021001 Kasumi Idolized
Cute poses practise ♪
SP Gauge gain increases by 3% for 10 Notes
Affects: All 30%
Increase base Technique by 2.8%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
102022001 SR 102022001 Kasumi Icon
SR 102022001 Kasumi
SR 102022001 Kasumi Idolized Icon
SR 102022001 Kasumi Idolized
Milky Honey
Gain 25% of own Appeal as Voltage.
Affects: All 30%
Increase base Stamina by 5%.
Affects: Self
Skill Activation % Up
Increase Skill Activation % by 8% for 10 Notes. Condition: On Appeal Chance start, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
302022001 SR 302022001 Kasumi Icon
SR 302022001 Kasumi
SR 302022001 Kasumi Idolized Icon
SR 302022001 Kasumi Idolized
Looking away is forbidden!
Gain 5% of max SP as SP Gauge
Increase base Technique by 2%.
Affects: Same Type
Skill Activation % Up
Increase Skill Activation % by 20% for 5 Notes. Condition: On Appeal Chance success, 20% chance
Affects: Self
302022002 SR 302022002 Kasumi Icon
SR 302022002 Kasumi
SR 302022002 Kasumi Idolized Icon
SR 302022002 Kasumi Idolized
Kasumin's marching song
Gain 15% of own Technique as Shield
Increase base Technique by 2%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Appeal Up
Increase Appeal by 4% for 10 Notes. Condition: On Appeal Chance start, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
402022001 SR 402022001 Kasumi Icon
SR 402022001 Kasumi
SR 402022001 Kasumi Idolized Icon
SR 402022001 Kasumi Idolized
I'll Enchant You!
Increase Appeal by 3% for 5 Notes.
Affects: All 30%
Increase base Appeal by 2%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Appeal Up
Increase Appeal by 8% for 10 Notes. Condition: On Appeal Chance success, 50% chance
Affects: Everyone

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
302023001 UR 302023001 Kasumi Icon
UR 302023001 Kasumi
UR 302023001 Kasumi Idolized Icon
UR 302023001 Kasumi Idolized
I'll make your heart bloom ♪
Increase Appeal by 5% for 5 Notes.
Affects: All 33%
Increase base Appeal by 4%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Remove Effects
Negate all lowering effects. (Does not include Base effects.) Condition: SP Skill activation, 50% chance
Affects: Everyone
302023002 UR 302023002 Kasumi Icon
UR 302023002 Kasumi
UR 302023002 Kasumi Idolized Icon
UR 302023002 Kasumi Idolized
It’s Kasumin Time ♡
Restore 20% of own stamina
Increase base Stamina by 5%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
Affects: Same School Year
402023001 UR 402023001 Kasumi Icon
UR 402023001 Kasumi
UR 402023001 Kasumi Idolized Icon
UR 402023001 Kasumi Idolized
Kasumin's love ♡
Increase Voltage gain by 4.7% for 5 Notes.
Affects: All 33%
Increase base Appeal by 2%.
Affects: Everyone
Voltage Gained
Gain 30% of own Appeal as Voltage. Condition: when performing Appeal, 15% chance

Shizuku Osaka[]

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive)
102031001 R 102031001 Shizuku Icon
R 102031001 Shizuku
R 102031001 Shizuku Idolized Icon
R 102031001 Shizuku Idolized
Underclassman Awareness
Increase Skill Activation % by 2.2% for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Strategy 30%
Increase base Technique by 1%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
102031002 R 102031002 Shizuku Icon
R 102031002 Shizuku
R 102031002 Shizuku Idolized Icon
R 102031002 Shizuku Idolized
The Power to Grant
Increase Voltage gain by 110 for 5 Notes.
Affects: All 30%
Increase base Appeal by 1.5%.
Affects: Same School
502031001 R 502031001 Shizuku Icon
R 502031001 Shizuku
R 502031001 Shizuku Idolized Icon
R 502031001 Shizuku Idolized
Let's do our best with practise as if it's the real show!
Gain 150 Stamina
Increase base Stamina by 2.8%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
102032001 SR 102032001 Shizuku Icon
SR 102032001 Shizuku
SR 102032001 Shizuku Idolized Icon
SR 102032001 Shizuku Idolized
Blue Drop
Gain 5% of max SP as SP Gauge
Increase base Appeal by 2%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Increase base critical power by 3% until the Live Show ends. Condition: On song start, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
302032001 SR 302032001 Shizuku Icon
SR 302032001 Shizuku
SR 302032001 Shizuku Idolized Icon
SR 302032001 Shizuku Idolized
Bear Smile
Gain 25% of own Appeal as Voltage.
Increase base Appeal by 5%.
Affects: Self
Increase base Appeal by 3% until the Live Show ends. Condition: On song start, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
402032001 SR 402032001 Shizuku Icon
SR 402032001 Shizuku
SR 402032001 Shizuku Idolized Icon
SR 402032001 Shizuku Idolized
My heart is pounding♪
Restore 17% of own stamina.
Increase base Stamina by 5%.
Affects: Self
Stamina Restored
Restore 20% of own stamina. Condition: On Appeal Chance failure, 50% chance
402032002 SR 402032002 Shizuku Icon
SR 402032002 Shizuku
SR 402032002 Shizuku Idolized Icon
SR 402032002 Shizuku Idolized
A Glittering Melody
Gain 25% of own Appeal as Voltage.
Increase base Appeal by 2%.
Affects: Same School Year
Appeal Up
Increase Appeal by 7% for 5 Notes. Condition: On Appeal Chance success, 50% chance
Affects: Everyone

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
302033001 UR 302033001 Shizuku Icon
UR 302033001 Shizuku
UR 302033001 Shizuku Idolized Icon
UR 302033001 Shizuku Idolized
I'll protect you!
SP Gauge gain increases by 7% for 5 Notes
Affects: All 33%
Increase base Appeal by 5%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
SP Gauge Gained
Gain 10% of own Technique as SP Gauge. Condition: On song start, 30% chance
402033001 UR 402033001 Shizuku Icon
UR 402033001 Shizuku
UR 402033001 Shizuku Idolized Icon
UR 402033001 Shizuku Idolized
To the Open Seas!
Increase Critical % by 8% for 10 Notes.
Affects: Same Strategy 33%
Increase base Appeal by 5%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
Increase base Appeal by 5% until the Live Show ends. Condition: On song start, 50% chance
Affects: Same Strategy Member

Karin Asaka[]

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive)
102041001 R 102041001 Karin Icon
R 102041001 Karin
R 102041001 Karin Idolized Icon
R 102041001 Karin Idolized
Quiet Spirit
Gain 200 Voltage
Increase base Appeal by 1%.
Affects: Same Type
102041002 R 102041002 Karin Icon
R 102041002 Karin
R 102041002 Karin Idolized Icon
R 102041002 Karin Idolized
Aiming for the Top
Gain 160 SP Gauge
Increase base Technique by 1.5%.
Affects: Same School Year
502041001 R 502041001 Karin Icon
R 502041001 Karin
R 502041001 Karin Idolized Icon
R 502041001 Karin Idolized
How about this style?
Increase Voltage gain by 1.4% for 5 Notes.
Affects: All 30%
Increase base Appeal by 2.8%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
102042001 SR 102042001 Karin Icon
SR 102042001 Karin
SR 102042001 Karin Idolized Icon
SR 102042001 Karin Idolized
Secret Lady
Increase Skill Activation % by 3.2% for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Attribute 30%
Increase base Technique by 3%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
SP Gauge Gain Up
Increase SP Gauge Gain by 8% for 10 Notes. Condition: On Appeal Chance start, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
302042001 SR 302042001 Karin Icon
SR 302042001 Karin
SR 302042001 Karin Idolized Icon
SR 302042001 Karin Idolized
I'll Possess You!
Gain 25% of own Appeal as Voltage.
Increase base Appeal by 2%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Lower Damage
Reduce Stamina damage by 3% until Appeal Chance ends. Condition: On Appeal Chance start, 20% chance
302042002 SR 302042002 Karin Icon
SR 302042002 Karin
SR 302042002 Karin Idolized Icon
SR 302042002 Karin Idolized
An Enchanting Timbre
Gain 5% of max SP as SP Gauge
Increase base Technique by 5%.
Affects: Self
402042001 SR 402042001 Karin Icon
SR 402042001 Karin
SR 402042001 Karin Idolized Icon
SR 402042001 Karin Idolized
I'll show you my best performance
Reduce Stamina damage by 6% for 10 Notes.
Increase base Stamina by 2%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Remove Effects
Negate all lowering effects. (Does not include Base effects.) Condition: On Strategy Switch, 20% chance
Affects: Everyone

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
202043001 UR 202043001 Karin Icon
UR 202043001 Karin
UR 202043001 Karin Idolized Icon
UR 202043001 Karin Idolized
Can You Keep Up?
Voltage gained from next SP Skill increases by 30% of own Appeal.
Increase base Technique by 5%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
SP Gauge Gained
Gain 10% of own Appeal as SP Gauge. Condition: On Appeal Chance success, 30% chance
302043001 UR 302043001 Karin Icon
UR 302043001 Karin
UR 302043001 Karin Idolized Icon
UR 302043001 Karin Idolized
You're staring too much!
Gain 25% of own Appeal as Voltage.
Increase base Technique by 3%.
Affects: Everyone
Shield Gained
Gain 10% of own Appeal as a shield. Condition: On Appeal Chance success, 20% chance
402043001 UR 402043001 Karin Icon
UR 402043001 Karin
UR 402043001 Karin Idolized Icon
UR 402043001 Karin Idolized
Ballroom Dance for Two
ncrease Appeal by 7% for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Strategy 33%
Increase base Technique by 5%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member

Ai Miyashita[]

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive)
102051001 R 102051001 Ai Icon
R 102051001 Ai
R 102051001 Ai Idolized Icon
R 102051001 Ai Idolized
Love Love Beam
Gain 200 Voltage
Increase base Appeal by 1%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
102051002 R 102051002 Ai Icon
R 102051002 Ai
R 102051002 Ai Idolized Icon
R 102051002 Ai Idolized
Pun Attack
Increase Critical % by 3% for 10 Notes.
Affects: All 30%
Increase base Technique by 1.5%.
Affects: Same School Year
502051001 R 502051001 Ai Icon
R 502051001 Ai
R 502051001 Ai Idolized Icon
R 502051001 Ai Idolized
I'm confident when it comes to moving my body!
Gain 150 Stamina
Increase base Stamina by 2.8%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
102052001 SR 102052001 Ai Icon
SR 102052001 Ai
SR 102052001 Ai Idolized Icon
SR 102052001 Ai Idolized
Reduce Stamina damage by 7% for 10 Notes.
Increase base Technique by 5%.
Affects: Self
Lower Damage
Reduce stamina damage by 1.2% until the Live Show ends. Condition: On song start, 30% chance
302052001 SR 302052001 Ai Icon
SR 302052001 Ai
SR 302052001 Ai Idolized Icon
SR 302052001 Ai Idolized
Let's go with high spirit-!
Increase Appeal by 5% for 5 Notes.
Affects: Same Strategy 30%
Increase base Stamina by 3%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
Voltage Gained
Gain 20% of own Technique as Voltage. Condition: on Strategy Switch, 20% chance
402052001 SR 402052001 Ai Icon
SR 402052001 Ai
SR 402052001 Ai Idolized Icon
SR 402052001 Ai Idolized
Pardon My Leopard!
Gain 5% of max SP as SP Gauge
Increase base Technique by 3%.
Affects: Same Type
SP Gauge Gain Up
Increase SP Gauge Gain by 8% for 10 Notes. Condition: On song start, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
402052002 SR 402052002 Ai Icon
SR 402052002 Ai
SR 402052002 Ai Idolized Icon
SR 402052002 Ai Idolized
Let’s Go With a Bang!
Gain 5% of max SP as SP Gauge
Increase baseStamina by 2%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Stamina Restored
Restore 15% of own stamina. Condition: On Appeal Chance start, 30% chance

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
302052001 UR 202053001 Ai Icon
UR 202053001 Ai
UR 202053001 Ai Idolized Icon
UR 202053001 Ai Idolized
Ready to Play with Ai?
Increase Voltage gain by 6% for 5 Notes.
Affects: All 33%
Increase base Appeal by 4%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Affects: Same Attribute
402053001 UR 402053001 Ai Icon
UR 402053001 Ai
UR 402053001 Ai Idolized Icon
UR 402053001 Ai Idolized
Welcome to the Ryuuguujou castle ♪
Gain 20% of own stamina as a shield.
Increase base Appeal by 3%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
Lower Damage
For 10 notes, reduce damage taken by 5%. Condition: when activating SP skill, 50% chance

Kanata Konoe[]

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive)
102061001 R 102061001 Kanata Icon
R 102061001 Kanata
R 102061001 Kanata Idolized Icon
R 102061001 Kanata Idolized
Napping Beauty
Reduce Stamina damage by 3% for 5 Notes.
Increase base Technique by 1.5%.
Affects: Same Type
102061002 R 102061002 Kanata Icon
R 102061002 Kanata
R 102061002 Kanata Idolized Icon
R 102061002 Kanata Idolized
Dream Story
Gain 200 Stamina
Increase base Stamina by 1.5%.
Affects: Same School
502061001 R 502061001 Kanata Icon
R 502061001 Kanata
R 502061001 Kanata Idolized Icon
R 502061001 Kanata Idolized
A tracksuit matching with everyone else's ♪
GSP Gauge gain increases by 3% for 10 Notes
Affects: All 30%
Increase base Appeal by 2.8%.
Affects: Same Strategy Memberl

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
102062001 SR 102062001 Kanata Icon
SR 102062001 Kanata
SR 102062001 Kanata Idolized Icon
SR 102062001 Kanata Idolized
Dream Journey
Gain 5% of max SP as SP Gauge
Increase base Stamina by 2%.
Affects: Same Attribute
Increase base critical power by 3% until the Live Show ends. Condition: On song start, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
302062001 SR 302062001 Kanata Icon
SR 302062001 Kanata
SR 302062001 Kanata Idolized Icon
SR 302062001 Kanata Idolized
I'm not sleepy at all~
Restore 20% of own stamina.
Increase base Technique by 2%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
Lower Damage
Reduce stamina damage by 3.2% until the Live Show ends. Condition: On song start, 20% chance
402062001 SR 402062001 Kanata Icon
SR 402062001 Kanata
SR 402062001 Kanata Idolized Icon
SR 402062001 Kanata Idolized
Sleepy Time
Gain 25% of own Appeal as Voltage.
Increase base Appeal by 5%.
Affects: Self
Appeal Up
Increase Appeal by 10% for 10 Notes. Condition: On Appeal Chance failure, 80% chance
Affects: Other Than Self

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
202063001 UR 202063001 Kanata Icon
UR 202063001 Kanata
UR 202063001 Kanata Idolized Icon
UR 202063001 Kanata Idolized
Welcome to the world of dreams~
Increase appeal by 5 for 6% notes
Affects: Same Year 33%
Increase base Appeal by 3%.
Affects: Everyone
Increase base Appeal by 5% until the Live Show ends. Condition: Once on Appeal Chance start, 30% chance
Affects: Everyone
302063001 UR 302063001 Kanata Icon
UR 302063001 Kanata
UR 302063001 Kanata Idolized Icon
UR 302063001 Kanata Idolized
The Warm Sun Feels Nice~♪
Reduce Stamina damage by 10% for 10 Notes.
Increase base Stamina by 5%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
Shield Gained
Gain 8% of own stamina as a shield. Condition: On Appeal Chance start, 40% chance

Setsuna Yuki[]

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive)
102071001 R 102071001 Setsuna Icon
R 102071001 Setsuna
R 102071001 Setsuna Idolized Icon
R 102071001 Setsuna Idolized
With Pen and Sword
Increase Voltage gained by next SP Skill by 200.
Increase base Technique by 1%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
102071002 R 102071002 Setsuna Icon
R 102071002 Setsuna
R 102071002 Setsuna Idolized Icon
R 102071002 Setsuna Idolized
Increase Appeal by 60 for 5 Notes.
Affects: All 30%
Increase base Appeal by 1.5%.
Affects: Same School
502071001 R 502071001 Setsuna Icon
R 502071001 Setsuna
R 502071001 Setsuna Idolized Icon
R 502071001 Setsuna Idolized
Let's move our body a lot!
Gain 150 Stamina
Increase base Stamina by 2.8%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member

No. Pre-Idolization Post-Idolization Skill Ability (Passive) Ability (Show)
102072001 SR 102072001 Setsuna Icon
SR 102072001 Setsuna
SR 102072001 Setsuna Idolized Icon
SR 102072001 Setsuna Idolized
Passion Red!
Increase Skill Activation % by 2.2% for 5 Notes.
Affects: All 30%
Increase base Appeal by 3%.
Affects: Same Strategy Member
Stamina Restored
Restore 20% of own stamina. Condition: On Appeal Chance failure, 50% chance
302072001 SR 302072001 Setsuna Icon
SR 302072001 Setsuna
SR 302072001 Setsuna Idolized Icon
SR 302072001 Setsuna Idolized
Let's Settle This!
Voltage gained from next SP Skill increases by 20% of own Appeal.
Increase base Stamina by 3%.
Affects: Same Type
Critical Up
Increase Critical % by 5% until Appeal Chance ends. Condition: On Appeal Chance start, 20% chance
Affects: Same Type