Love Live! School idol diary is a series of novels in the Love Live! franchise, written by Sakurako Kimino and illustrated by Natsu Otono and Akame Kiyose with character designs from Yuuhei Murota. There are currently twelve published novels, split into two series:
Each of the first nine volumes retells parts of the Love Live! anime series story from a different idol's point of view along with their backstories.
Each subsequent volume of the second series talks about an event within the school year, and is each told from two different idols' point of view. These volumes also contained codes for SR cards of their featured characters for Love Live! School idol festival (JP), in the same poses as drawn on the book cover.
Starting with the July 2016 issue of Dengeki G's Magazine, a series titled School idol diary Special Edition began serialization in the monthly magazine.
~ฮผโs Christmas~ Release Date: December 25, 2014
It's Winter Vacation Soon. (ใใใใๅฌไผใฟใ,Mou sugu fuyuyasumi.) (Written by Nozomi Tojo)
The Two Dating. (ใใผใใช๏ผไบบใ,Deeto na futari.) (Written by Nozomi Tojo)
Santa โข Elichika โ (ใตใณใฟโขใจใชใผใใซโ,SantaโขEriichikaโ) (Written by Eli Ayase)
ฮผโs Christmas Party. (ฮผโsใฎใฏใชในใในใใผใใฃใผใ,ยต's no kurisumasu paatii.) (Written by Eli Ayase)
~Spring-colored Valentine~ Release Date: May 30, 2019
(Originally slated for February 2015 and subsequently delayed indefinitely, its release was announced on May 22, 2019 with no explanation for the delay.)
? (Written by Rin Hoshizora)
? (Written by Hanayo Koizumi)
HonokaโขKotori Book Release Date: Release Date: Originally slated for March 2016 and subsequently delayed indefinitely.
? (Written by Honoka Kosaka)
? (Written by Kotori Minami)
Illustration Books[]
A hard-cover, B6-sized book containing over 18 large illustrations and over 300 in-text illustrations, as drawn in the first nine books.
Love Live! School idol diary Kiyose Akame Illustration Book Release Date: January 30, 2016
Honoka Kosaka
Eli Ayase
Kotori Minami
Umi Sonoda
Rin Hoshizora
Maki Nishikino
Nozomi Tojo
Hanayo Koizumi
Nico Yazawa
Love Live! School idol diary Kiyose Akame Illustration Book II Release Date: March 28, 2018
Part of the School idol diaries' charm is their usage of chibi drawings throughout the diaries. This particular drawing style has gained much popularity, and was replicated in Season 2's Blu-Ray Disc booklets as well as some merchandise.
The "Nico and ฮผโs" chapter in Nico's story has been adapted into a manga chapter twice: one for the official Manga adaptation, and the other for the "ยต's Precious Days" Anthology compilation book, titled "In the Middle of the Dream" by Bcoca.