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A list of supporting characters in the Love Live! Sunshine!! anime adaptation.

Shima Takami (高海 志満)[]

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She is Chika Takami's elder sister and is the eldest among three sisters. Her first appearance is in Season 1 Episode 1. She is voiced by Kana Asumi in the Japanese version and Colleen Clinkenbeard in the English dub.


Shima is kind and mature towards both of her sisters. When Mari Ohara announced that the school open house was going to be cancelled, Shima's younger sister, Chika, felt sad. Shima noticed this and asked Chika if she was okay, implying that she was concerned about her.


  • The name Shima means "will, purpose" (志) (shi) and "full/fullness, enough, satisfy" (満) (ma).
  • Shima's surname Takami means "tall, high" (高) (taka) and "sea, ocean" (海) (mi).

Mito Takami (高海 美渡)[]

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She is Chika Takami's elder sister and is the middle child among the three sisters. Her first appearance is in Season 1 Episode 1. She is voiced by Kanae Ito in the Japanese Version and Monica Rial in the English Dub.


Mito is shown to be strict towards her younger sister, Chika. Despite that, Mito cares for her.


  • The name Mito means "beautiful" (美) (mi) and "transit, ford, ferry, cross, import, deliver, diameter, migrate" (渡) (to).
  • Mito's surname Takami means "tall, high" (高) (taka) and "sea, ocean" (海) (mi).


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Shiitake is Chika Takami's pet dog. Shiitake first appears in Season 1 Episode 1. Riko Sakurauchi was scared of it at first, due to her fear of dogs. She later overcomes her fear of dogs in Season 2 Episode 5, being brave enough to pet Shiitake. Shiitake is voiced by Anna Mugiho in the Japanese Version and Tyler Walker in the English Dub.

In the anime, most characters refer Shiitake as a male dog before it was finally revealed to be a female dog in Season 2 Episode 13, while a story in Love Live! School idol festival refers Shiitake as a female dog.

Yoshimi, Itsuki, & Mutsu[]

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Left to right: Yoshimi, Mutsu, Itsuki

The three of them are classmates of Chika Takami, Riko Sakurauchi and You Watanabe. They are always seen together, and have been supporting Aqours since it was first formed.

They made their first appearance in Season 1 Episode 2. In the Japanese Version, Yoshimi is voiced by Risae Matsuda, Itsuki is voiced by Hisako Kanemoto and Mutsu is voiced by Yu Serizawa. In the English Dub, Yoshimi is voiced by Felicia Angelle, Itsuki is voiced by Madeline Morris and Mutsu is voiced by Alex Moore.

Their names are based off alternate readings of the Japanese characters for four, five and six. This is a follow-up pun to Hideko, Fumiko and Mika, who were named after alternate readings of one, two and three respectively.

Riko's Mother[]

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She first appears in Season 1 Episode 5. She is voiced by Nana Mizuki in the Japanese Version and Janelle Lutz in the English Dub. Her appearance looks similar to her daughter, Riko.

Though not appearing, she was first mentioned in the 6th episode of the Yohane the Parhelion anime.

Akiba Reporter[]

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She first appears in the original Love Live! School Idol Project and reappears in Love Live! Sunshine!! in Season 1 Episode 7, and later again in Love Live! Superstar!! Season 1 Episode 10. She is voiced by Natsumi Takamori in the Japanese Version and Kristen McGuire in the English Dub.

Unnamed Otonokizaka Student[]

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She appears in Season 1 Episode 12. She is a student at Otonokizaka High School whom Aqours met when they visited said high school. She is voiced by Inori Minase.

Chika's Mother[]

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She first appears in Season 1 Episode 13. She has a strong resemblance with her daughter Chika and is the shortest in the Takami family, therefore appearing to look like the youngest. She is voiced by Rie Kugimiya in the Japanese Version and Jessica Cavanagh in the English Dub.

Yoshiko's Mother[]

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She first appears in Season 1 Episode 13. However, she had her first voice role in Season 2 Episode 1. She is voiced by Hekiru Shiina in the Japanese Version and Carli Mosier in the English Dub. Her daughter, Yoshiko bears a strong resemblance with her.

Hanamaru's parents (Father, Mother, Grandfather)[]

Hanamaru Kunikida's grandmother first appears in Season 1 Episode 13. Her grandfather, father, and mother later make an appearance in an illustration for the 6th Love Live! Sunshine!! Picture Book, a tie-in book exclusively released for the Blu-Rays.
